Advanced Emotional Intelligence Skills for Business (online)


Higher levels of Emotional Intelligence (EI) have been found to be very useful in business situations. Skills for realistic self-evaluation, balanced evaluation of others, and building self-confidence, have been found to lead to greater organisational success. These skills help us navigate the modern workplace, becoming more engaged, goal focussed and resilient.  

This course will equip you with key skills to examine your own perspectives, evaluate your own behaviour and that of others, deal more effectively with adverse situations, and become more strategic in achieving goals.  

This course is a sister course to the Effective Leadership through Emotional Intelligence (Online) course and attendance on this course is recommended. The courses complement each other and attendance on both courses give a fuller understanding of EI and its Business and Leadership advantage. 

Programme details

You should expect to find challenging material, as the course requires self-analysis and reflection. The aim of the course is to increase key skills in self-management, and identify and take the first steps in building better relationships. Some understanding of self-awareness is required, but this will be introduced in the first session. 

Key Themes 

  • Developing Emotionally Intelligent habits:  

    • Key skills to manage yourself, and evaluate and manage others’ behaviour. 
    • Introducing habits for better mental health (for you), and skills to evaluate and manage interpersonal relationships more effectively. 
  • Thinking skills and changing perspectives:  

    • Thinking about the perspectives we all use to frame our perceptions. 
    • Key skills in self-management, confidence, intent, self-esteem (and how to defend it). 
    • Introducing a framework to identify perspectives and become agile in moving between them. 
  • Dealing with Defences (case study).

  • Moving on with Emotional Intelligence:  

    • Emotional agility, meaning, purpose and staying on track through self-repair. 

By the end of the course you will: 

  • Be able to evaluate some of the things that you do, which may be barriers to success. 

  • Be introduced to some strategies which will lead to more resilience when emotionally challenged.

  • Identify perspectives which frame our thinking (and often inhibit success), and take the first steps in agility between these perspectives.

  • Have some understanding of defences people use, and how to overcome them.

  • Gain an increased emotional literacy; be able to identify behaviours which are emotionally challenging, with some learned strategies to overcome them. 

Dates, Times and Delivery 

This course will be delivered over four sessions using Microsoft Teams at 11:00-12:30 (UK time) from 6-9 May 2025. There will be: 

  • three 1.5-hour workshops on Tuesday 6 May, Wednesday 7 May, and Friday 9 May 2025

  • one 1- to 1.5-hour case study session on Thursday 8 May 2025

You may be grouped into a smaller team for this case study and analysis. 

To support the online sessions, you should actively engage in offline activities, such as the introductory tasks. 

A world clock, and time zone converter can be found here: 

This is a ‘virtual classroom’ course. 

To replicate the experience of a classroom, the sessions are ‘live’ and are not recorded. 

No attendance at Oxford is required and you do not need to purchase any software.

Accessing Your Online Course 

Details about accessing the private MS Teams course site will be emailed to you during the week prior to the course commencing.  

Please get in touch if you have not received this information within three working days of the course start date. 

Digital Certification

In order to be eligible for a certificate of attendance, you will need to attend the whole course. Participants who meet this criterion will be emailed after the end of the course with a link, and instructions on how to access their University of Oxford digital certificate.

The certificate will show your name, the course title and the dates of the course you attended. You will be able to download your certificate, as well as share it on social media if you choose to do so.


Description Costs
Standard course fee £495.00


Fees include electronic copies of course materials.

All courses are VAT exempt.

Register immediately online 

Click the 'Book now' button on this webpage. Payment by credit or debit card is required.


Dr Jane Pollock

Course Director

Independent Consultant and Researcher

Jane is a Chartered Psychologist, an Independent Consultant in Organisational Psychology, and a tutor and lecturer in Psychology and Statistics. She has a history of highly successful courses in both Psychology and Business streams, and takes a practical approach to a subject crucial to the success of people in organisations.


If you would like to discuss your application or any part of the application process before applying, please click on the 'Ask a question' button at the top of this page.

IT requirements

This course is delivered online using Microsoft Teams. You will be required to follow and implement the instructions we send you to fully access Microsoft Teams on the University of Oxford's secure IT network.

To participate you must be familiar with using a computer for purposes such as sending email and searching the Internet. You will also need regular access to the Internet and a computer meeting our recommended minimum computer specification.

It is advised to use headphones with working speakers and microphone.