MSc in EBHC Teaching and Education
Course details
The MSc in Evidence-Based Health Care Teaching and Education is designed to help professionals improve their knowledge and application of the skills directly related to their roles as research-informed educators of Evidence-Based Health Care.
The MSc in Evidence-Based Health Care Teaching and Education will position you to integrate theory and research evidence, critical reflection and principles of design, assessment and evaluation in planning and delivering effective education in evidence-based medicine and health care. It can be taken part-time alongside work commitments, generally over two to four years.
The Programme is delivered in partnership with Oxford's Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, one of the world's most important academic centres for primary care, and leaders in world-class research and training for over 20 years. It is also supported by the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine. Find out more about the history of the centre and the Evidence-Based Health Care Programme here.
This programme has teachers and contributors who are internationally recognised leaders in the field of evidence-based health care, research-led teaching and experts in medical education and research. The flexible structure of the course has been devised to suit people studying alongside professional commitments and to accommodate student choice.
Please watch a webinar delivered by David Nunan introducing the MSc.
Watch the video below for more information about the Programme and the student experience:
Quick links
- Programme details
- Course aims
- Oxford college affiliation
- Who should apply
- Fees and funding
- When to apply
- How to apply and contact details
Programme details
The MSc in EBHC Teaching and Education is a part-time course. There are four compulsory modules, two option modules and a dissertation.
Compulsory modules
- Teaching Evidence-Based Practice
- Developing Practice in Medical Education
- Course Design, Assessment and Evaluation
- Developing Online Education and Resources (Fully online)
Option modules (two must be chosen)
- Introduction to Study Design and Research Methods
- Knowledge into Action
- Systematic Reviews
- Complex Reviews
- Realist Reviews and Realist Evaluation
- Qualitative Research Methods
- Randomised Controlled Trials
- Introduction to Statistics for Health Care Research (Fully online)
- Meta-analysis
- Mixed Methods in Health Research
- Economics of Health Care
The majority of modules are run over either an eight, or fifteen week learning cycle. Most modules are either delivered fully online or in a blended format, however, some modules are only delivered with a blended format that includes a 5 day attendance in Oxford, and some are only run entirely online. In any given year, not all delivery formats for a module may be available.
Blended format: an initial period of self-directed study is spent on introductory activities using a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). This is followed by a week spent in Oxford for supported face-to-face teaching, and then a further period of Post-Oxford activities (a mixture of self-directed and supported distance learning also delivered through the VLE). The final week of each module is for self-directed personal study, shortly followed by the assignment submission.
Fully online format: These are delivered through the VLE with the first week allocated to self-directed introductory activities. There is then either:
- a number of units to work through which are released week by week. Each unit includes a mixture of supported and self-directed learning with discussion forums, tasks and activities. Students then have five weeks of self-directed personal study with use of a revision forum and the requirement to submit an assignment electronically the following week. Courses usually run over a 15 week period.
- an intensive week of 5 consecutive days of synchronous and asynchronous teaching sessions, and then a further period of activities (A mixture of self-directed and supported distance learning also delivered through the VLE). The final week of each module is for self-directed personal study, shortly followed by the assignment submission. Courses usually run over an 8 week period.
Part-time attendance details
As a part-time student, you will be required to attend a minimum of two modules (one of which must be a compulsory module) ‘in person’ in Oxford. Each ‘in person’ module requires you to attend a week (five days) in Oxford for supported face to face teaching. Your other four modules can be made up of a mix of ‘in person’, or fully online modules. For additional note: All students are required to attend a minimum of one module in each academic year on course. This can either be ‘in person’ or fully online.
Assessment methods
Assessment for each module will be based on a written assignment, which shall not be of more than 4,000 words. Students for the MSc will also be required to complete a dissertation on a topic chosen in consultation with a supervisor and the Course Director. The dissertation should not normally exceed 15,000 words.
To complete the MSc students must:
- Attend and complete the 4 compulsory modules and 2 option modules
- Complete a dissertation on a topic chosen in consultation with a supervisor and the Course Director. The dissertation should normally not exceed 15,000 words.
- Attend a viva voce examination at the end of the course of studies at the discretion of the examiners
Course aims
The aims of the course are for you to:
- continue your professional development as educators, support the professional development of others, and to play a leading role in furthering education in evidence-based health care
- foster your leadership in the teaching and education of evidence-based health care throughout the health professional education continuum
- enable you to develop your teaching role in clinical and educational settings, including the use of educational technologies and online/virtual environments
- teach core concepts of evidence-based health care including research methods, critical appraisal, biostatistics, and translational science effectively and with confidence
- undertake effective course design and evaluation in evidence-based health care
- broaden and deepen your knowledge of relevant theoretical frameworks and educational research evidence
- inform practice with the best available evidence regarding effective methods and approaches to education in evidence-based health care
- develop skills to undertake rigorous evaluation of educational interventions including evidence syntheses and small-scale research studies contributing to the evidence-base for effective education in evidence-based health care
Oxford college affiliation
As a matriculated postgraduate degree student, you will become a member of one of the University’s famous interdisciplinary colleges, enabling you to encounter new perspectives in your field or learn more about many other different subjects from fellow college members.
The collegiate system makes studying at Oxford a truly special experience. Oxford colleges are small, intimate communities, where you could find yourself absorbed in fascinating conversations with students and academics from a variety of disciplines at college seminars, dinners, and informal occasions.
To find out more about Oxford University colleges, please consult the University's Graduate Admissions website.
Who should apply
Successful applicants should:
- be a graduate or have successfully completed a professional training course.
- have professional work experience in the health service or a health-related field.
- identify a work-based problem for which they will be seeking evidence.
- be able to combine intensive classroom learning with the application of the principles and practices of evidence- based and critically reflective educational principles within the workplace.
- have a good working knowledge of email, internet, word processing and Windows applications (for communications with course members, course team and administration).
- show evidence of the ability to commit time to study and an employer's commitment to make time available to study, complete course work and attend course and university events and modules.
- show evidence of access to opportunities to deliver teaching and education activities including delivery, assessment and/or evaluations during their study on their course.
Fees and funding
Fee rates for the academic year 2025-26*
*Rates for 2026/27 to be confirmed
These rates (in pounds sterling) are for students joining in the 2025-26 academic year and will increase annually.
The annual award fee is due for every academic year (or part-year) attended; module or dissertation fees are due in advance as invoiced. Fees must be paid in accordance with the Terms and Conditions for the programme.
- Annual award fee: £9,020
- Module fees: £2,740 (per taught module)
- Dissertation fee: £8,220 (equivalent to 3 module fees)
Illustration for full programme (completing in three years, with six taught modules and a dissertation):
- 3 annual award fees: £27,060*
- plus 6 module fees: £16,440*
- plus dissertation fee: £8,220*
Total: £51,720*
- The fee rates listed are for the academic year shown, and you should be aware that these rates will increase annually.
- The Illustration is based on the fee rates for the academic year shown; however, fee rates for attendance in future years will increase, so students attending for more than one year should expect the total to be higher than is shown in the Illustration. The exact amount will depend on the fee rates set annually, and upon the years you are in attendance; these are normally published well before the start of each academic year, but for your own budgetary purposes you may wish to estimate a 6% annual increase on fee rates.
- Funding: Eligible applications completed before the January deadline will automatically be considered for a Clarendon Fund Scholarship.
Details of funding opportunities, including grants, bursaries, loans, scholarships and benefit information are available on the Fees and Funding page.
When to apply
We strongly recommend that you apply by the January or March deadlines. After the March deadline, the course will only stay open for that year's entry if places are still available.
Remember that it can take a number of weeks to obtain all of the documents you need and prepare a competitive application. You should also allow your referees plenty of time to submit your references. We therefore recommend you apply as soon as possible.
How to apply
Applications for this course should be made via the University of Oxford Graduate Admissions website. This website includes further information about this course and a guide to applying.
Early application for the programme is advised. Applications which have not been fully completed before the application deadline cannot be considered, so please ensure any applications are received by us in good time so that we may advise of missing or incorrectly completed elements. Shortlisted applicants will be invited to telephone interview, and asked to provide evidence of their funding for the programme.
To see if this course is still open for applications for admission please visit the University of Oxford Graduate Admissions website. Courses with a green admission status are open for applications, amber means the course will be closing at 12 noon on the following Friday and red means it has closed to new applications.
For further information on applying, please refer to the Application Guide. Please read our Terms and Conditions before submitting your application. If you would like to discuss your application or any part of the application process before applying please contact:
Frazer Mackenzie (Course Manager)
Tel: +44 (0)1865 270453 - Email:

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