Counselling and Psychotherapy Research
Counselling and psychotherapy research at the Department for Continuing Education
This is a relatively new area of research in the Department for Continuing Education. Dr Ross collaborates with colleagues across the University, particularly in the Medical Sciences Division.
Research highlights, past and present:
Winnicott/Guntrip project:
D.W.Winnicott was a major figure in British psychoanalysis, a fact recognised in the forthcoming publication of his Collected Works (12 volumes OUP). For several years he was the analyst for another British psychoanalyst, Harry Guntrip. Guntrip was in the unique position of having been in analysis first with Fairbairn, then Winnicott, both regarded as key figures in the British Objects Relations School of psychoanalysis. Alistair Ross research is on deciphering and determining the significance of the detailed notes Guntrip made during his supervision with Winnicott. This will add to our understanding of psychoanalytic history as found in the journal Psychoanalysis and History (Edinburgh University Press).
Counselling client voices – the sixties speak.
Counselling client voices – the sixties speak.
An oral history of clients receiving counselling in the Sixties (1958-1972)