Undergraduate award courses

Our undergraduate award courses (certificatesdiplomas and advanced diplomas) are equivalent to, or taught at, first, second and third-year undergraduate level.

All of these courses are taught on a part-time basis, so you can study alongside work or family commitments. Some meet weekly in Oxford while others can be studied mostly, or entirely, online. 



Advanced diplomas

We also offer an Undergraduate Certificate, Diploma and Bachelor’s in Theological Studies. All three may be studied either full-time or part-time.

Pre-master's level full-time courses

We also offer two full-time pre-master's level courses:

Course levels explained

Note sure what the diffence is between a certificate, diploma or advanced diploma? Find out using the links below.

Undergraduate certificates

Undergraduate certificates

Our part-time undergraduate certificates are equivalent to, or taught at, first-year undergraduate level.

Undergraduate diplomas

Undergraduate diplomas

Our part-time undergraduate diplomas are taught at second-year undergraduate level.

Undergraduate advanced diplomas

Undergraduate advanced diplomas

Our part-time undergraduate advanced diplomas are taught at third-year undergraduate level. Two are delivered entirely online.