Healthcare Evaluation and Research Impact


This module will focus on how to evaluate the impact of a translational science effort in a healthcare setting. It will include a theoretical introduction to evaluation, including a critical consideration of ‘logic model’ approaches to monitoring and evaluating projects, which address the question; “what were we trying to achieve and to what extent did we achieve it?”.

The module will also cover more theory-driven (critical-interpretivist and realist) approaches to evaluation, which address questions such as; 

- whose interests does and should the evaluation serve?

- whose voices are seldom heard and how can we bring these voices to the table?

- how can we evaluate emergent outcomes that shift the focus away from the original programme goals?

Specific approaches, including realist evaluation and utilisation-focused evaluation will be described with illustrative examples.

The module will include hands-on practical advice on how to plan and undertake small-scale evaluations of local translational projects, and also sessions on the critical appraisal of academic and grey literature evaluations of larger (e.g. national-level) translational initiatives. At a more abstract level, the module will also consider how to evaluate the impact of research at a macro level (e.g. in research excellence assessment).

The last date for receipt of complete applications is 5pm Thursday 21 May 2026. Regrettably, late applications cannot be accepted.

Course Aims

On completion of this module, we expect our students to be able to:

  • Give a critical account of the philosophical assumptions underpinning different approaches to evaluation;
  • Explain how qualitative and quantitative research techniques can be adapted and harnessed for evaluation;
  • Give examples of how seldom heard voices can be brought into an evaluation;
  • Plan an evaluation of a local knowledge translation project, justifying the approach used;
  • Critique a published evaluation of a major regional, national or international translational science initiative;
  • Critically analyse how the research process and research impact are evaluated


Evaluation methods and techniques to be taught in this module

  • Stakeholder mapping
  • Logic models and driver diagrams
  • Staff and patient surveys (quantitative)
  • Ethnography (qualitative)
  • Interviews (qualitative)
  • Mixed-methods case study
  • Use of metrics to evaluate the impact of research


Examples of case studies to be discussed in this module

  • Evaluating the distribution and use of pulse oximeters in the community during Covid-19
  • Evaluating an intervention to reduce vaccine hesitancy in minority ethnic groups
  • Evaluating the capacity of public health organisations to assimilate and use research
  • Comparison of UK Applied Research Collaborations (ARCs) with Australian Academic Health Centres (AHCs)
  • The UK Research Excellence Framework and similar schemes internationally

Programme details

The first two weeks of this module are spent working on introductory activities using a Virtual Learning Environment. A week is then spent in Oxford for face-to-face teaching and group work. There are then a series of extended Post-Oxford activities (delivered through the VLE) over the following 4-6 weeks which are designed to support you in the preparation and delivery of the practical elements of your assignment. You will be required to submit your written assignment electronically (usually on a Tuesday at 14:00 UK Local Time).


Description Costs
Short Course in Health Sciences £3390.00
Students enrolled on MSc in Translational Health Science £2740.00


Details of funding opportunities, including grants, bursaries, loans, scholarships and benefit information are available on our financial assistance page.


If you are an employee of the University of Oxford and have a valid University staff card you may be eligible to receive a 10% discount on the full stand-alone fee. To take advantage of this offer please submit a scan/photocopy of your staff card along with your application. Your card should be valid for a further six months after attending the course.


Prof Trish Greenhalgh

Module Coordinator

Trish Greenhalgh is Professor of Primary Care Health Sciences and a practising GP.

Dr Pavel Ovseiko

Module Coordinator

Pavel Oveseiko is a Senior Research Fellow in Health Policy and Management at the Radcliffe Department of Medicine, Oxford.

Assessment methods

Assessment will be based on performance in a group presentation and submission of a written assignment which should not exceed 4,000 words.

Academic Credit

Applicants may take this course for academic credit. The University of Oxford Department for Continuing Education offers Credit Accumulation and Transfer Scheme (CATS) points for this course. Participants attending at least 80% of the taught course and successfully completing assessed assignments are eligible to earn credit equivalent to 20 CATS points which may be counted towards a postgraduate qualification.

Applicants can choose not to take the course for academic credit and will therefore not be eligible to undertake the academic assignment offered to students taking the course for credit. Applicants cannot receive CATS (Credit Accumulation and Transfer Scheme) points or equivalence. Credit cannot be attributed retrospectively. CATS accreditation is required if you wish for the course to count towards a further qualification in the future.

A Certificate of Completion is issued at the end of the course.

Applicants registered to attend ‘not for credit’ who subsequently wish to register for academic credit and complete the assignment are required to submit additional information, which must be received one calendar month in advance of the course start date. Please contact us for more details.

Please contact if you have any questions.


This course requires you to complete the application form and to attach a copy of your CV. If you are applying to take this course for academic credit you will also be required to provide a reference. Please note that if you are not applying to take the course for academic credit then you do not need to submit a reference.

Please ensure you read the guidance notes which appear when you click on the symbols as you progress through the application form, as any errors resulting from failure to do so may delay your application.



Accommodation is available at the Rewley House Residential Centre, within the Department for Continuing Education, in central Oxford. The comfortable, en-suite, study-bedrooms have been rated as 4-Star Campus accommodation under the Quality In Tourism scheme, and come with tea- and coffee-making facilities, free Wi-Fi access and Freeview TV. Guests can take advantage of the excellent dining facilities and common room bar, where they may relax and network with others on the programme. Accomodation is not included in the course fee.

IT requirements

Please ensure that you have access to a computer that meets the specifications detailed on our technical support page.