Undergraduate Certificate in History
Course details
Study major moments in modern British and European history, from the emergence of the Tudor Dynasty to the Spanish Civil War.
Our two-year, part-time Undergraduate Certificate in History will introduce you to the study of history, focusing on pivotal periods of modern British and European history. The content spans five key historical areas: British History from 1485–1603 and 1900–1979, European History from 1815–1914, an optional subject, and approaches to historical study. These modules cover significant political, social, and cultural transformations, such as the rise of the Tudor dynasty, the impact of the World Wars, and the emergence of European nation-states.
The optional subject allows in-depth exploration of topics like the Spanish Civil War or the early modern English nobility and gentry, using primary sources. Working primarily from source material on this topic, you will have the chance to develop and refine the skills needed by a historian.
Taught through weekly evening seminars and individual tutorials, complemented by an intensive non-residential study week. While a student, your University Card will allow access to the Bodleian Libraries including the History Faculty Library housed in the Radcliffe Camera. This part-time course is equivalent to the first year of a full-time History degree at Oxford University.
Online open event
Monday 24 March 2025, 12-1pm BST
Discover what it's like to begin your journey studying history at Oxford University. During the session you will gain an overview of the programme, meet the course team and have your questions answered.
Hear from our students
Current and former students of the Certificate and History course share their experience of university-level study. They discuss the academic support available, their thoughts on the course content, how they balanced study with other commitments, and what life at University was like for them.
Quick links
- How you will study
- The course in detail – including course content, structure and assessment
- IT requirements
- Teaching staff and contact information
- Application details – how to apply, fees, award and credit transfer
- Funding
Who is this course for?
You must have a keen interest in history and a strong motivation to study at undergraduate level. You should have an effective command of written English and enjoy in-depth discussions of historical issues.
Relevant qualifications and evidence of recent study are things we regard favourably, but you don’t have to have formal qualifications. If you have little or no recent experience of study or exams, don’t let this put you off applying. We will take into account your academic potential, your commitment to studying the subject in a structured way, and other considerations.
On successful completion of the Certificate, you will be able to apply for second-year entry to undergraduate history courses at the University of Oxford and other institutions. Over half of our students who have successfully finished the course have gone on to second-year: their destinations include the University of Oxford, Oxford Brookes University, the University of Reading and King's College London. Completing the course does not give you automatic right of entry to any institution. You will still have to apply for a place, in competition with other applicants.
How you will study
The Undergraduate Certificate in History course consists of weekly two-hour seminars (28 per year), usually held on Wednesday evenings.
We use a variety of teaching methods. In addition to lectures by the tutors, you will have the chance to work in small discussion groups.
There is also a non-residential study week, during which you receive an intensive introduction to your chosen optional subject. For most students, the study week provides a valuable chance for full-time study, socialising with fellow students and easy access to the wide range of study facilities at Rewley House and within the University.
Essay writing is an integral part of the course. During each year of study, our students write six essays and receive written feedback and tutorial support.
As well as attending classes, you are likely to need to undertake at least 12 hours of independent study per week. This will involve reading, making notes, preparing for class, writing essays and revising for exams.
In addition to attending the Undergraduate Certificate’s own weekly seminar programme, you can, for no extra payment, experience the wide range of lectures and seminars organised by the University’s Faculty of Modern History.
Teaching delivery
This course is expected to be taught in person at Rewley House, 1 Wellington Square, Oxford, OX1 2JA. Should circumstances dictate, the teaching can be moved online (either fully or partly).
Course content
The Undergraduate Certificate in History consists of five elements:
1. British History 1485–1603
The sixteenth century was a period of turmoil and uncertainty but saw the emergence of the powerful Tudor dynasty, the birth pangs of the modern state, the establishment of a national Protestant church, an upsurge in economic growth and a flowering of the arts. Students examine the major political and religious developments of individual reigns and explore long-term changes in relations with Europe, the role of Parliament, economy and society, attitudes towards family and women and the use of culture to promote the image of monarchy.
2. British History 1900–1979
During this period Britain experienced profound political and social change: the themes studied include the impact of the two World Wars, the arrival of the Welfare State, and the end of the Empire. Students also look at specific topics such as the Suffragette movement, the political extremism of the 1930s, and the debate over the post-1945 'consensus' in British politics.
3. European History 1815–1914
The nineteenth century saw the emergence of the European nation-states amidst war, revolution and social conflict. This comparative course charts the major political developments of the period, but the main focus is on broad themes such as industrialisation, urbanisation and the growth of class and gender consciousness.
4. An optional subject
The optional subjects provide the opportunity for more detailed study of a specific topic using original source materials. Options previously offered include The Nobility and Gentry in England 1558-1642, The Spanish Civil War 1936-1939 and The Age of Bede.
5. Approaches to History
What is history? Why do societies record and preserve their past? Students look at the evolution of history and at what historians can learn from other related disciplines such as art history, sociology and gender studies.
Course structure
Classes meet once a week, usually on Wednesday evenings, starting with a pre-course induction meeting in September. There will be ten classes in the autumn and spring terms and eight classes in the summer term. There is also a study day at the start of the autumn term of the first year.
Year 1
- Pre-course induction session
Michaelmas term
- Historical skills day
- Introduction to History (Week 1), British History 1485–1603 (Weeks 2–10)
- 2 assessed essays
Hilary term
- British History 1485–1603 (Weeks 1–3), European History 1815–1914 (Weeks 4–10)
- 2 assessed essays
Trinity term
- European History 1815–1914 (Weeks 1–6), Revision and exam preparation (Weeks 7–8)
- 2 assessed essays
- Examination in British History 1485–1603
- Examination in European History 1815–1914
Year 2
- Study week (optional subject) - September 2026 (dates to be confirmed)
- 1 assessed essay
Michaelmas term
- Optional subject (Weeks 1–5), Approaches to History (Weeks 6–10)
- 2 assessed essays
Hilary term
- Approaches to History (Weeks 1–5), British History 1900–1979 (Weeks 6–10)
- 2 assessed essays
Trinity term
- British History 1900–1979 (Weeks 1–6), Revision and exam preparation (Weeks 7-8)
- 2 assessed essays
- Examinations in optional subject and British History 1900–1979
Assessment is based both on coursework (essays) and on written examinations held at the end of each of the two years.
Examinations: at the end of each year there will be two unseen written exams.
IT requirements
To study at this level you are expected to have some IT skills, and access to a computer and the internet. Your course requires you to engage with the Virtual Learning Environment for course materials and uses the Department’s online assignment submission system. Students need to have regular access to a computer and the internet, and some level of experience and skill including the use of Microsoft Word or similar word-processing package, email and internet browsers such as Firefox or Google Chrome.
The computer you use should meet our recommended minimum computer specification.
Teaching staff
The acting Course Director will be Professor Andrew Hopper (from September 2024).
Andrew Hopper is Professor of Local and Social History at OUDCE and a Fellow of Kellogg College. He primarily teaches early modern British history. He is an expert on the British and Irish Civil Wars of the mid-seventeenth century. He is the Principal Investigator of the Civil War Petitions project and is currently researching a book entitled Widowhood and Bereavement in the English Civil Wars.
Tom Buchanan is Professor of Modern British and European History at OUDCE and a Fellow of Kellogg College. He primarily teaches British and European history since 1815. He has a particular research interest in the Spanish Civil War and is the author of three books which examine the impact on Britain of that conflict. He has recently published a book on ‘Amnesty International and Human Rights activism in postwar Britain.
Much of the academic support you receive will come from the Course Directors, whom you can contact at any time during office hours. In addition, the Department runs a programme of Study Skills workshops, for full details of the programme please contact +44 (0)1865 280892.
Contact information
If you would like an informal discussion on academic matters before applying you may contact:
Professor Andrew Hopper: andrew.hopper@conted.ox.ac.uk
For general guidance, application and admissions advice, course specific information, or credit transfer: undergraduate@conted.ox.ac.uk, +44 (0)1865 270380.
For information about disability support or sources of funding: student.support@conted.ox.ac.uk, +44 (0)1865 280355.
For information about Study Skills courses: studyskills@conted.ox.ac.uk, +44 (0)1865 280892.
How to apply
Clicking the 'Apply' button will automatically notify us that you want a link to the online application. We will email you that link together with guidance on completing and submitting your application. We aim to email out the link the next working day. You should allow plenty of time to complete the application form, and upload any supporting documents required. You should also allow sufficient time for your referee(s) to submit their reference by the application deadline.
You will need to upload the following documents as part of your application:
- A written statement of about 300–400 words stating why you wish to undertake the course.
- Your CV
- Proof of English language ability if a non-native English speaker. Further information on English language requirements can be found here.
- Contact details for one referee.
If possible, your referee should be someone who can comment on your academic ability and background, but where this is not appropriate, please choose a referee who can vouch for your motivation, commitment and potential. A reference from a family member is not acceptable.
Admissions decisions will be based on an assessment of knowledge, relevant experience, academic ability, potential and suitability for a course of study. We welcome applicants without traditional qualifications, including those with relevant career or life skills.
Selection criteria
Even if a course has no specific academic entry requirements then: (a) assessment of an applicant’s academic ability and suitability for the course of study will still take place and (b) since applications for many courses often significantly exceed places available, each application will be judged against the gathered field of applicants for each course each year.
The University is committed to promoting diversity, equality, inclusion, and widening access, including during the admissions process. We fully endorse the Equality Policy and our admissions procedures are kept under regular review to ensure compliance with this policy.
Short-listed applicants will be invited for interview.
The final decision on admission to the course rests with the Department.
Award and credit transfer
An Undergraduate Certificate will be awarded upon completion of the course. You will be invited to receive your Undergraduate Certificate at the annual Awards Ceremony of the Department for Continuing Education, held at Oxford’s Sheldonian Theatre.
The syllabus and teaching of the course are aimed at first-year undergraduate level (FHEQ Level 4). Students who successfully complete this two-year course will be awarded an Oxford University Undergraduate Certificate in History, equivalent to 120 CATS points at first-year undergraduate level (FHEQ Level 4) in the Department’s Qualifications and Credit Framework. Outstanding performance will qualify for a Distinction. These credit points are widely recognised in terms of credit for transfer to other higher education institutions, including the Open University and modular universities such as Oxford Brookes University.
Opportunities vary for the transfer of credit, so students who are considering taking this course in order to transfer credit are advised to discuss the possibilities with the Course Administrator on undergraduate@conted.ox.ac.uk or student.support@conted.ox.ac.uk.
Learn more about the Credit Accumulation and Transfer Scheme (CATS points).
Fees for 2025-26 will be £3,865 (Home, Islands, and Republic of Ireland students) or £6,625 (Overseas students).
Please be aware that fees will usually increase annually.
Information for applicants from the EU, EEA and Switzerland
On 11 May 2021 the UK Council for International Student Affairs published new regulations and guidance to be used in assessing the fee status of students commencing courses in August 2021 and later. We will be using this guidance to carry out fee status assessments for students commencing courses in 2021/22 and later, including students from the EU, EEA and Switzerland.
If you are an EU national and do not live in the UK then you are likely to be charged Overseas fees. Students with settled and pre-settled status in the UK and some other categories of students who work in the UK can qualify for Home fee status as long as they meet the residence criteria.
Students from outside the UK/Republic of Ireland
If you are from outside the UK/Republic of Ireland, you will be classed either as an ‘Overseas’ or 'Islands' student.
Information on financial support can be found on our website here.
Financial Declaration
All undergraduate offer-holders are required to complete a Financial Declaration Form (FDF) to demonstrate how they will meet the financial conditions of admission. If you are offered a place on this course, you will then be asked to submit a completed Financial Declaration Form. The form demonstrates that you can, or are likely to be able to, afford the course and it is necessary for this to be accepted before you can be considered to have met the conditions of your offer.
Specific non-repayable bursary funding is available for this course for students from lower-income households; you will be automatically considered for this if you apply for a Departmental Bursary.
Information on other forms of financial support can be found on our Funding pages.
Overseas students
This course is not suitable for overseas students who do not already live in the UK before the course begins. For information, refer to www.gov.uk/browse/visas-immigration.
English language requirements
Please check the information on the specific English language requirements for this course. Applicants are required to have the higher level scores.
The Department for Continuing Education offers history day and weekend courses, weekly learning programmes and summer schools.
In the undergraduate programme, as well as the Undergraduate Certificate in History, we also offer the Certificate of Higher Education, the Diploma in English Social and Local History and the Advanced Diploma in Local History.
At postgraduate level, we offer the following part-time programmes: Postgraduate Certificate in Architectural History, Postgraduate Certificate in Historical Studies, MSt in Historical Studies, MSt in the History of Design, MSt in Literature and Arts, MSc in English Local History, DPhil in Architectural History, DPhil in English Local History and the DPhil in Literature and Arts.
You may also be interested in studying the History of Art.
If you are planning on embarking on a new career as a result of your studies, or hope to progress in your current field, you can access help and advice through the University Careers Service.
Are you considering applying to our Certificate in History? Join us for an engaging conversation and live Q&A to get all the details before submitting your application. Meet our Course Director, Professor Andy Hopper, hear insights from current students, and connect with fellow prospective students. This event will not be recorded, so don’t miss your chance to join.