Departmental bursaries for undergraduate and postgraduate study

Overview of the scheme

We award around 25 to 30 Departmental bursaries each year, thanks to the generous support of donors and others. These help towards the cost of course fees.

The bursaries are for UK-based students who receive benefits because they are on a low income, and are available for certain undergraduate or postgraduate courses (see Eligibility and criteria below).

Bursary applications are usually reviewed between late April and late August for courses starting or continuing in the following autumn. 

However, exceptionally, the application window for courses taking place in 2024/25 has been reopened (see Application dates below). Please note: if you have already received a Departmental Bursary for 2024/25, you may not apply for another one for this same academic year.

Applications for Departmental Bursaries for the 2025/26 academic year will be accepted from April 2025, with confirmed dates to follow.

Awards are made for one year at a time, so longer courses would require a new application in the following year.

Eligibility and criteria

Eligible Continuing Education courses

  • Undergraduate Certificates and Undergraduate Diplomas, except for Theological Studies.

  • Undergraduate Advanced Diplomas.

  • Postgraduate Certificates and Diplomas.

Note: Master’s and DPhil courses are not eligible—see University’s funding information instead.

Person criteria

You must meet all three of the following conditions:

1. Be studying an eligible course (see above).

2. Be (a) a UK resident, or (b) a Republic of Ireland national living in the UK or Ireland, or (c) have 'settled' or ‘pre-settled’ status in the UK under the EU Settlement Scheme (see


3. Be in receipt of any of the following UK benefits (these may change over time):

  • Universal Credit
  • Housing Benefit
  • Income Support
  • Income-based Job Seekers' Allowance (JSA)
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
  • A reduction under the Council Tax Scheme (students in Wales only)
  • Pension Credit
  • Carer's Allowance


Completed applications will be reviewed and awarded on a ‘first-come-first-served’ basis (an application must include the required supporting documentation to be considered).

Outcomes will be communicated to applicants individually during the bursary scheme window. If funds are fully exhausted, before the deadline, a waiting list will operate (in case an awardee should withdraw).

Duration and future applications

Bursaries are awarded for one academic year at a time. If your course is longer than one year, you may re-apply in subsequent years. A bursary awarded in one year does not imply future awards under this scheme—this will depend on your financial circumstances, as well as scheme’s level of funds, when you apply.

Interrupted study

Bursary awards cannot be carried over into a future year if your studies are interrupted (involving suspension of status for one or more terms, for example). In such cases, bursaries will normally be reduced in proportion to your period of registration during that year; while you may re-apply for a bursary in the following year, this will be treated as a new application.

Bursary calculation

Bursaries are calculated as a percentage of course fees, and the amount awarded depends on your course category (see below).

The annual maximum that can be awarded per student is capped at £2375 (regardless of how many courses you attend). Bursary funds are applied directly to your course fees (they are not paid to you directly).

Course categories and bursary scales:

Certificates in English Literature and History:

  • A bursary of up to 80% of course fees

Undergraduate Certificate of Higher Education:

  • A bursary of up to 100% of the annual programme fee
  • Certificate of Higher Education students may also be eligible for additional concessionary fees on their individual courses.

All other eligible courses (see above):

  • A bursary of up to 50% of the course fees

How to apply

Download a PDF or Word version of the application form and email the completed version, along with supporting evidence, to our Student Support Administrator.

Application form (2024-25) Word

Application form (2024-25) PDF

Application dates

We are pleased to announce that we have re-opened the Departmental Bursary Scheme for courses running during the current academic year (2024-25). Applications are being accepted from Monday 13th January 2025, whilst funds remain.

If you have previously applied, and your application was unsuccessful, you may still be able to apply if your circumstances have changed and the eligibility criteria are now met.

If you have any questions, please contact our Student Support Administrator.