Tutor information
Juliana Barone
Juliana Barone was awarded her Doctorate at Trinity College, Oxford University, had a Junior Research Fellowship at St John’s College, Oxford University, and is both Research Fellow at the Warburg Institute and Honorary Research Fellow at Birkbeck College, University of London. She has published extensively on Leonardo da Vinci’s visual and written works, as well as on their historical reception in Italy, France, England and northern Europe. She has also curated exhibitions in London, Milan and Florence, is on the board of specialised Leonardo journals, and of the Leonardo da Vinci Society in London.
This course will look at Leonardo da Vinci’s paintings, drawings and notebooks within the interdisciplinary framework of art and science. It will offer a viewing of key drawings in Oxford collections.
Examine the major revolution in the arts that took place during the period known as the Italian Renaissance, by looking at works by key artists from Cennini to Michelangelo. The course will encompass architecture, sculpture and paintings.