Tutor information
Stephen Law
Stephen Law is a Departmental Lecturer in Philosophy and Director of the Certificate of Higher Education at OUDCE. His research focuses on the philosophy of mind, language, metaphysics and on philosophy of religion. He also writes many accessible online articles and edits the Royal Institute of Philosophy journal THINK: Philosophy for Everyone.
How best to raise good citizens who will do the right thing even when under pressure to do wrong? This day school will consider this question, as well as the role of authority, critical thinking and moral relativism.
An investigation into humanism in its contemporary sense (sometimes called ‘secular humanism’). What is the humanist alternative to religious world-views, and what are its strengths and weaknesses? Join us for this series of lectures in Oxford or online.
What are the key warning signs that we are dealing with a seductive if ultimately irrational belief system?
If we want to avoid the kind of moral catastrophes that marred the 20th Century - from The Holocaust to Pol Pot's Killing Fields - understanding their root causes, and also what might immunise against them, could not be more important.
What moral responsibilities do we have, if any, to the planet, to future generations, and to protest? Join us in Oxford or online to explore the philosophy of climate change.
Robots, cyborgs and AI systems fire our imaginations and have inspired many movies, from HAL in '2001: A Space Odyssey' to Data in 'Star Trek' and Skynet in 'The Terminator'. What moral issues do they raise?
What rights do we have over our own bodies? Is it morally acceptable to circumcise young children, perform abortions or compel people to vaccinate? This event with leading philosophers and researchers will explore these and other philosophical puzzles.
We drill down into some of the classic papers of analytic philosophy, unpacking and analysing their arguments.