Tutor information

Diego Colombo

Principal Software Engineer heading the .NET Interactive and Polyglot Notebook team.

As the lead for the .NET Interactive and Polyglot Notebook team, Dr Diego collaborates with developers and partners to foster the Polyglot notebook ecosystem. 

He works on challenging projects and is keen on quality and reusability. 

Today, his main focus is polyglot notebooks. Through the capabilities of polyglot notebooks, multiple programming languages can be implemented to deploy functions within a single notebook. 

These components include:

  • Data exploration scenarios through the integration of SQL and KQL kernels.
  • Visually enriched displays using technologies such as mermaid js, JavaScript, and HTML.
  • System automation with the dynamic capabilities of PowerShell.
  • Developer tutorials.
  • integration of dot language, among other languages.
  • Connect kernels via cross-language data sharing.

In addition, through the integration of the Semantic Kernel platform, LLM components can be integrated and through the integration of the .NET Interactive ecosystem, we can facilitate agile processes. 

Thus, the polyglot notebook brings together a variety of LLM components including prompt templates, chains, and semantic memory access, without first familiarising themselves with specific frameworks such as Semantic Kernel or LangChain. The polyglot nature of the architecture, coupled with the sharing of values across disparate languages, empowers developers to embark on developing traditional code artefacts, intertwining them with the LLM components.

Dr Diego's work and research is based on building and enhancing the above ecosystem.
