Sarah Ward

Student spotlight details

Before undertaking the Postgraduate Certificate in Ecological Surveying Techniques, Sarah spent eight years as a data analyst in hospitality. Motivated by a long-standing interest in ecology from her PhD studies, Sarah chose the PGCert to gain relevant experience and transition into an ecological career.

'Before undertaking the PGCert in Ecological Surveying Techniques I was a data analyst in an agency working with clients in hospitality for eight years.

'I have always been interested in ecological systems and had studied this as part of my PhD. I had always intended to go back to ecology but with moving countries twice and having two children in the meantime there hadn't been a good time to make the change. By the time I did, I needed more recent relevant experience in ecological techniques to be able to apply for a job in this domain. After a lot of research, I found the part-time PGCert to be the ideal stepping stone for making this change.

'It took some time for me to readjust to long hours of reading and writing reports after such a long break. However, the final project proved extremely rewarding as it was a great success, yielding valuable insights for the RSPB. Partnering with them, I explored Willow Tit habitat features in southwest Wales.

'Now that I have finished the PGCert, I am starting a job as a biodiversity data analyst for a consultancy that enables businesses to mitigate their impact on the environment and take steps to improve biodiversity.

'To anyone considering the PGCert, you need to make sure you can dedicate enough time to do it. The more time you can spend the more enjoyable it will be. I recommend thinking well ahead about your final project: consider potential partners early on and create a robust plan to maximize your experience.'

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