Dr Nigel Mehdi

Profile details


An urban economist by background, Nigel is a chartered surveyor working at the intersection of information technology, the built environment and urban sustainability. Nigel gained his PhD in Real Estate Economics from the London School of Economics and he holds postgraduate qualifications in Politics, Development and Democratic Education, Digital Education and Software Engineering.

He has a long standing involvement in professional education both as a fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors where he is a member of the Global Education Standards Board and with the Institution of Engineering and Technology where he is panel member for the accreditation of UK Engineering Council programmes in higher education.

Nigel is a Visiting Fellow at Kellogg College and was previously a Visiting Fellow in the Spatial Economics Research Centre at the London School of Economics and a Visiting Scholar at Wolfson College, Cambridge. He is a Fellow of the British Computer Society and of the Higher Education Academy.


Nigel is Course co-Director for the Master's in Sustainable Urban Development with responsibility for the economics stream since its inception and in 2017 he was awarded OUSU Outstanding Tutor within the Department for Continuing Education. Outside of the Department he teaches on the Software Engineering programme in the Department of Computer Science.

Research & Consultancy

Nigel acts as a consultant for both public and private sector organisations, including government, NGOs and global corporations. His research interests span the field of real estate economics and applications of digital technologies to the urban realm. This includes the measurement, reporting and computer modelling of sustainability in the built environment; spatial big data; intelligent buildings and smart cities. He is also interested in the application of digital education to the challenge of Education for Sustainability.

He recently completed a major research project for the UK Department of Energy & Climate Change (2016) and he is currently engaged on a project defining and developing metrics for the measurement of sustainability in the smart city.

Recent publications

2017 Big Data, Smart Cities and Intelligent Buildings. Insight Paper, RICS Publications November 2017.

2018 Principles of Property Investment & Pricing. (co-authored with W.D. Fraser) 3rd Edition. Macmillan Education. Forthcoming.