Dr Jo Molle

Profile details


Departmental lecturer in Psychodynamic Practice

Course leader for the Postgraduate Certificate in Psychodynamic Counselling and Postgraduate Diploma in Psychodynamic Practice


Dr Jo Molle is a Chartered Psychologist, a BACP-accredited Psychodynamic Counsellor, and a UKAHPP and UKCP-registered Psychotherapist, having first qualified as a counsellor in 2010. Since then, she has worked in low-cost, community-based counselling services, a commitment she continues alongside other roles. As a psychologist, Jo has contributed to mental health initiatives at various universities and spent over five years managing a hospital counselling service, specialising in supporting individuals with chronic and life-limiting illnesses. 

Jo has over 20 years of teaching experience in further education, and in addition to her role as a Departmental Lecturer and Course Leader for the Certificate in Psychodynamic Counselling and Diploma in Psychodynamic Practice programmes at the University of Oxford, she holds two other academic positions within psychotherapy and counselling institutions. 

Research interests

Jo’s special interests lie in cross-disciplinary approaches, particularly the intersections and tensions among psychotherapy, psychology, philosophy, and sociology. 


Molle, J. Existential skills and practice. In Arnold-Baker, C., Wharne, S., Dowek, N. H., Gibson, N., Molle, J., & Van Deurzen, E. (2023). Existential Therapy: Responses to Frequently Asked Questions. Taylor & Francis.  

Molle, J., Millman, R., Van Deurzen-Smith, S. and Turner, J., (2022). Existential Psychotherapy, Coaching and Pastoral Care. Humane Alternatives to the Psychiatric Model