Mr Jeremy Noble

Profile details


Jeremy Noble is a Consultant Urological Surgeon to Oxford University Hospitals Foundation NHS Trust, an Honorary Clinical Lecturer to the University of Oxford and Associate Dean. He trained in urology in London and Reading and now forms part of a consultant team sub-specialising in lower urinary tract dysfunction, reconstructive and female urology and stone disease.

Research and teaching

His research interests include the overactive bladder and benign prostate disease and he has a particular interest in the medical management of bladder dysfunction and benign prostatic hyperplasia.

He is heavily involved in medical training. He has been Head of the Oxford School of Surgery and regional training programme director for core surgery and urology for HEE Thames Valley. He has been a member of the SAC in Urology, a member of the Core Surgery Training Forum at The Royal College of Surgeons, an intercollegiate examiner for the FRCS Urol examination and latterly a panel assessor for the Intercollegiate Examination Board. Jeremy is currently Associate Dean for HEE TV with an interest in workforce planning and transformation.