Student, Academic Publishing, Michaelmas 2017

Student work
MSt alumna Marie Gethins signs with Curtis Brown agent Cathryn Summerhayes
MSt alumnus Martin Jago’s translation of “Antigone” at the Mark Taper Auditorium, Los Angeles on 10th Sept 2017 -
MSt alumna Jing-Jing Lee’s novel “How We Disappeared” to be published by Oneworld
Weekly classes alumna in creative writing Jill Yates won the 2017 WoW! One thousand word story competition, by Creative Writing Matters, with her story 'Family Secret'.
Creative Writing Summer School student Charlotte Dige wrote a blog post her experience in Oxford.
Academics and tutors
Department Director Professor Jonathan Michie co-edited The Oxford Handbook of Mutual, Co-Operative, and Co-Owned Business (with Joseph R. Blasi and Carlo Borzaga), Oxford University Press, 2017, and authored Advanced Introduction to Globalisation, Edward Elgar, 2017
Professor Michie also contributed an essay, "How Britain can build a world-leading life sciences strategy" to the online journal 'The Conversation', in which he argues that for an industrial strategy to be successful, it would require a proper commitment to lifelong learning.
Vlad Mykhnenko had a book chapter published in Japanese: Grossmann, K., Mykhnenko, V., Haase, A. & Bontje, M. (2017). 欧米諸国における都市縮小事情と国際的な比較研究の必要性 [Circumstances of urban shrinkage in the West and the need for international comparative research. In Japanese]. In Architectural Institute of Japan (Eds), 都市縮小時代の土地利用計画 多様な都市空間創出へ向けた課題と対応策 [Land Use Planning in the Age of Urban Shrinkage: Issues and Countermeasures for the Creation of Diverse Urban Spaces. In Japanese] (pp. 168-175). Gakugei Publishers. ISBN: 978-4761540920
Dr Tara Stubbs published an article, 'T. S. Eliot, 1922, and Transatlantic Culture' in the August/September issue of The London Magazine.
Dr Yasmin Khan co-edited the book, An imperial world at war: aspects of the British Empire's experience, 1939-1945, published by Routledge
Architectural and design history tutor Tony Buxton contributed a chapter, 'Feasts and Triumphs: The Structural Dynamic of Elite Social Status in the English Country House' to the book, Inhabit: people, places and possessions. A 'Book at Lunchtime' podcast on Inhabit: people, places and possessions was recorded in May 2017.
Michael Parker, tutor in English Literature, edited and translated from the Polish Andrzej Franaszek’s biography of Nobel Prize-winning poet Czeslaw Milosz (1911-2004) in April 2017 (Harvard University Press). Parker and co-editor Aleksandra Parker added new material geared towards western readers unfamiliar with 20th century Polish history. Milosz was a poet who was a friend of and huge inspiration to Seamus Heaney, who is the subject of Parker’s forthcoming book, Seamus Heaney: Legacies, Afterlives.
Poetry tutor Jenny Lewis's blog post, ‘Promoting Poetry through Public Engagement’, appears on the Carcanet website; her book of poetry, “Taking Mesopotamia” has been translated into Farsi.
Novelist and non-fiction writer and tutor Roopa Farooki recorded a short Vox podcast, 'How I Write'
Ancient history tutor Steve Kershaw's latest book, A Brief History of Atlantis: Plato's Ideal State was published by Robinson in September 2017. The book can be purchased through any bookseller, or at Rewley House. Steve is teaching a 10-week class on Plato's Atlantis in Maidenhead, starting January 2018.
Poetry tutor Jane Draycott’s translation of Henri Michaux is Poetry Book Society’s Autumn Recommended Translation
In July MSt tutor Helen Mort explores voices from around the world for BBC Radio 4 This week, she hears poetry in Arabic, German and Spanish while thinking about the phrase ‘Bodies in Motion’: seeing how movement, through space and time, filters through the work of some very different poets.
Tutor and former Director of Studies in Local History Adrienne Rosen published The Making of Chipping Norton, the History Press.
Former Departmental Administrator Sandy Ott CUP recently published Living with the Enemy (Cambridge University Press) on the German occupation of southwestern France and the trials of certain individuals accused of collaboration in the postwar years.
Published 14 September 2017