Find your language level

Learn a language from scratch or brush up rusty skills
To help you decide which language level is right for you, the levels for our weekly learning classes are described below.
For modern languages, we also recommend using the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) can-do-statements to help self-assess your proficiency. These grades are then referenced in some of the language levels below.
Online weekly classes
Our online weekly language classes combine pre-recorded lectures with live online meetings where practice, discussion, group work, and questions and answers take place over a 10-week term.
Online weekly classes will be offered in the following languages in 2024-25:
The levels' descriptions are outlined below. If you need advice in relation to levels, please contact the Weekly Classes team via email at or telephone: +44 (0)1865 280900.
Beginners – Part 1
An introduction to the basic principles of the language. The course provides a solid foundation of grammar structures and vocabulary through the study of simplified texts. For complete beginners.
Beginners – Part 2
A continuation course providing progression from our 'Beginners - Part 1' course in the language. For extending the learning of grammar structures and vocabulary through which learners will be able to read and translate simplified texts and explore the culture. New students who have studied the language formally for one term are very welcome to join.
Lower Intermediate – Part 1
A course for consolidating knowledge of the grammar, syntactic structures, vocabulary and culture through the study of original texts. It aims to develop students' understanding of the ideas and themes expressed in the texts.
Lower Intermediate – Part 2
A continuation course providing progression for students who completed our Lower Intermediate - Part 1 in the language. It offers an opportunity to read some great texts, extend grammar and syntactic knowledge, and gain an insight into the culture.
In-person weekly classes in Oxford
In-person weekly languages classes take place at Ewert House for two hours each week over a 10-week term. Weekly classes in Oxford are offered in the following languages in 2024-25:
Course levels are listed below. Please note that not all languages are offered at all levels.
If you need advice in relation to levels, please contact the Weekly Classes team via email at or telephone: +44 (0)1865 280900.
Beginners – Part 1
An interactive course offering an introduction to the language and culture. It is for complete beginners as well as those who have learnt some expressions and phrases through travel or socialising.
Beginners – Part 2
A continuation course providing progression for students who completed our Beginners - Part 1 course in the language and new students who have studied the language formally for one term. It aims at developing basic language skills and exploring the culture. New students are advised to read the relevant course description to ascertain the suitability of the course level and content.
Lower Intermediate – Part 1
An interactive course for developing the language skills in a range of simple everyday situations and further exploring the culture and society in the countries where the language is spoken. To benefit from the course, students will have done one of the following: completed Beginners - Part 2 or equivalent, gained a GCSE (Grade B, 6 or below) in the language, or achieved level A1+ of the Common European Framework of Reference for languages in the language.
Lower Intermediate – Part 2
A continuation course providing progression for students who completed our Lower Intermediate - Part 1 in the language and new students whose proficiency in the language is appropriate for the course level. It focuses on practising the language skills in simple and routine everyday situations requiring straightforward descriptions and direct exchange of information on family and other people, living conditions, educational experiences and work. New students are advised to read the relevant course description to ascertain the suitability of the level and content.
Intermediate – Part 1
An intermediate level course for developing language proficiency to deal with familiar matters and some situations likely to arise while travelling in a country where the language is spoken. To benefit from the course, students will have done one of the following: completed our Lower Intermediate - Part 2 course or equivalent; gained a GCSE (Grade A/A* or 7-9) in the language; achieved level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for languages in the language.
Intermediate – Part 2
A continuation course offering progression for students who completed our Intermediate - Part 1 course and new students whose proficiency in the language is appropriate for the course level. It aims at enabling learners to express themselves in situations regularly encountered at work, educational settings, leisure centres and while travelling in a country where the language is spoken. New students are advised to read the relevant course description to ascertain the suitability of the level and content.
Upper Intermediate – Part 1
For learners who wish to become fluent in the language, participate in discussions and debates, and use complex structures. To benefit from the course, students will have done one of the following: completed our Intermediate - Part 2 course or equivalent; gained an AS in the language; achieved level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) in the language.
Upper Intermediate – Part 2
A continuation course offering progression for students who completed our Upper Intermediate - Part 2 course. It aims at developing the language required to interact effectively and explain viewpoints with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with speakers of the language without strain for either party.