Lilia Guerrero Ruiz

DPhil in Sustainable Urban Development


An institutional transition to self-help housing? | The implementation and outcomes of hybrid financial models for low-income homes in Mexico.


Dr. David Howard


Alejandra Guerrero is an architect and an urban planner currently pursuing a Ph.D on Sustainable Urban Development at the University of Oxford. Her work focuses on power dynamics and systems of participation in affordable housing. She is a co-founder of the LA-based firm Office of: Office. Born and raised in Mexico she previously worked as the assistant manager of urban regeneration at Mexico’s leading housing authority, INFONAVIT, as a consultant for small and medium cities and international organizations, and as a lecturer of sociology, planning and architecture at the University of Monterrey and Carolina University. She has a bachelor degree in Architecture from the University of Monterrey, a Master's in Urban and Regional Planning from the University of Los Angeles, Califorrnia and a Master's in Architecture of Urban Design from the Barlett School of Architecture at UCL.