Camilo Gomez Osorio
DPhil in Sustainable Urban Development
When Does History Matter for Spatial Agglomeration? Persistence and Path-Dependence in African Cities
Camilo began his DPhil in 2021 and his research focuses on understanding the spatial distribution of economic activity in Africa. He is interested in how places evolve after a localized external shock and the role of public financial management systems in shaping economic resilience. He holds a MSc in Economics for Development from Oxford and a Master of Public Policy from the University of Chicago.
Camilo is a macroeconomist with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Also, a development economist interested in fiscal sustainability issues in low, middle-income countries, and fragile states. His career has focused on providing technical assistance to finance ministries in the areas of fiscal risks management, public financial management and debt. Prior to his work in Africa with the IMF, he was with The World Bank in Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and in the Caribbean with the Inter-American Development Bank.
Gomez Osorio, C. Dista, N., Sarmento, E., Gardiner, P., Hida, S., Vilanova, J, et al. (2020). “Moçambique: Manual de Projecções Macroeconómicas e Fiscais,” Ministério da Economia e Finanças, Maputo.
Papers and lectures
When It Rains, It Pours: Tools for Fiscal Risk Management in Africa, (2021). IMF Public Financial Management blog.
Mozambique’s Fiscal Risk Unit is Open for Business, (2019). IMF Public Financial Management blog.
Research interests
His research interests are on the intersection between, new economic geography, spatial and urban economics, African cities, and fiscal sustainability.