Dr David Howard

Profile details


Dr David Howard is an Associate Professor in Sustainable Urban Development at the University of Oxford, and a Fellow of Kellogg College, Oxford. He is Director of Studies for the Sustainable Urban Development Programme at the University of Oxford, which promotes lifelong learning for those with professional and personal interests in urban development. David is also Co-Director of the Global Centre on Healthcare and Urbanisation at Kellogg College. The Centre hosts public debates and promotes research on key urban issues affecting society today, with the aim to provoke discussion and constructive action, linking current best practice in related areas of research.

He is a member of the Management Committee for the Latin American Centre at the University of Oxford, a CNRS Research Associate at Université Bordeaux, and Chair of the David Nicholls Memorial Trust. He was previously a Senior Lecturer in the School of GeoSciences at the University of Edinburgh, following postdoctoral research at the University of Oxford, the City University of New York and the University of Melbourne. His research relates to historical and contemporary Caribbean societies, with a specific focus on colonial legacies, urban development, and social sustainability. His current research interests focus on access to basic services and shelter in low-income, urban neighbourhoods in Jamaica and the Dominican Republic.

Doctoral students


Charlotte Albin

Mayleen Cabral Ramirez

Peter Debartolo

Alejandra Guerrero Ruiz

Angela Ruiz del Portal Sanz

Shuwen Zhou

David Toman


Katherine Maxwell



2005   Cities of the Imagination: Kingston Oxford: Signal Books, 256pp, ISBN 1902669371        

2001   Coloring the Nation: race and ethnicity in the Dominican Republic Boulder: Lynne Rienner and Oxford: Signal Books, 227pp, ISBN 190266910X           

1999   Dominican Republic: people, politics and culture London: Latin American Bureau and New York: Interlink Books, 94pp, ISBN: 1566562430


Edited publications

Forthcoming   Colonialism section in Routledge Encyclopaedia of Race and Racism (co-edited with Solomos, J et al) London: Routledge

2015     Diasporas and Cultures of Mobilities (co-edited with Barbour, S., Lacroix T. and J. Misrahi-Barak) Montpellier: Presses Universitaires de la Méditerranée, 258pp

2007    Violence, fear and development Development in Practice 17, 6

2005   Race, religion and the census (co-edited with P. E. Hopkins) Population, Space and Place 11, 2


Peer-reviewed articles

2019   Aux origines du «colour blindness» républicain et du «racial thinking» multiculturel. Approche comparée de deux révoltes anticoloniales en Jamaïque (Morant Bay, 1865) et en Martinique (Insurrection du sud, 1870) (co-authored with C. Chivallon) Outre-Mers. Revue d’histoire 107, 402-403: 151 - 177

2019    Discourses of resilience and myth: urban and ‘green’ crime in the Caribbean (co-authored with S. Deckard and D. Kerrigan) Caribbean Geography

2019    Shelter, security and tenure: formalising downtown Kingston, Jamaica International Development Planning Review 41, 4: 435-450

2019    Climate change and healthcare sustainability in the Agincourt Sub-District, Kruger to Canyons Biosphere Region, South Africa (co-authored with M. dos Santos, Kruger, P., Banos, A. and S. Kornik) Sustainability 11, 2: 496-519

2018    Questioning urban resilience and social transition: considering garrisons, ‘the ghetto’ and downtown Kingston, Jamaica Caribbean Geography 22: 60-71

2017    Colonial violence and civilising utopias in the French and British empires: the Morant Bay Rebellion (1865) and the Insurrection of the South (1870) (co-authored with C. Chivallon) Slavery and Abolition 38, 3: 534-558

2007    Development, racism and discrimination in the Dominican Republic Development in Practice 17, 6: 725-738

2007    Violence, fear and development: a critical overview (co-authored with U. Oslender and M. Hume) Development in Practice 17, 6: 713-724

2006    Contradictory socio-economic consequences of structural adjustment in Kingston, Jamaica (co-authored with C. G. Clarke) Geographical Journal 172, 2: 106-129

2005    Race, religion and the census (co-authored with P. E. Hopkins) Population, Space and Place 11, 2: 69-74

2005    Race and religious pluralism in Kingston, Jamaica (co-authored with C. G. Clarke) Population, Space and Place 11, 2: 119-136

2003    Reappraising race? Dominicans in New York City International Journal of Population Geography 9: 337-350

2003    Dominican diasporas and the stasis of race JCAS Symposium Series 19: 1-19

2001    Coloring the nation: la raza dominicana Hemisphere 9, 3: 21-23

2001    Haitian migrants and discrimination in the Dominican Republic NACLA Report on the Americas 35, 2: 24-28

1999    Colour, race and space: residential segregation in Kingston, Jamaica, during the late colonial period (co-authored with C. G. Clarke) Caribbean Geography 10: 1, 3-15

1999    La etnia e identidad racial en la República Dominicana: notas de un investigador Estudios Sociales 32, 116: 73-77


Book chapters

2019    Transforming narratives of a Caribbean downtown: community mapping and ‘No Man’s Land’. In Stanley, B. and R. Kehrein (eds) Handbook of the Changing World Language Map New York: Springer

2015   Tropical matters and development perspectives. In Sansavior, E. and R. Scholar (eds) Caribbean Globalizations, 1492 to the Present Day Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 203-226

2011   Sentir el lugar (co-authored with L. Cordery). In Cordery, L., San Román, G. and B. Vegh (eds) Sentir el lugar: diágolos Uruguay-Escocia Montevideo: Universidad de la República, 11-18

2011   Figuras en movimiento: fiesta criollas y highland games (co-authored with A. de Giorgi). In Cordery, L., San Román, G. and B. Vegh (eds) Sentir el lugar: diágolos Uruguay-Escocia Montevideo: Universidad de la República, 19-30

2010   Providing ‘safe neighbourhoods’ in Santo Domingo: urban violence and the Plan de Seguridad Democrática. In McGregor, D., Barker, D. and D. Dodman (eds) Global Change and Caribbean Vulnerability: environment, economy and society at risk Kingston: University of West Indies Press, 298-316

2009    Cartographies and visualization. In Richards, D. and S. Chew (eds) A Concise Companion to Postcolonial Literature Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 141-161

2008   One Scotland, Many Cultures: the mutual constitution of anti-racism and place (co-authored with Jan Penrose). In Bressey, C. and C. Dwyer (eds) New Geographies of Race and Racism London: Ashgate, 95-112

2007    Class, unemployment and housing problems in Kingston, Jamaica since independence (co-authored with C. G. Clarke). In Jaffe, R. K. (ed.) The Caribbean City Kingston: Ian Randle Publishers, 123-161

2007    A ‘welcoming planet’? Urban literary environments and the ‘ghetto’ in Kingston, Jamaica. In Campbell, C. and E. Somerville (eds) ‘What is the Earthly Paradise?’ Ecocritical responses to the Caribbean Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 27-45

2004    Caribbean social perspectives. In Skelton, T. (ed.) The Pan-Caribbean: diversity and semblance London: Edward Arnold, 136-153

2003    Dominicans Abroad: impacts and responses in a transnational society. In Østergaard-Nielsen, E. (ed.) International Migration and Sending Countries: perceptions, policies transnational relations London: Palgrave, 57-76

2002    Ethnicities, nationalism and racism. In McIlwaine, C. and K. Willis (eds) Challenges and Change in Middle America: perspectives on development in Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean Harlow: Pearson Education, 61-81



2020    Review: ‘The Imperatives of Sustainable Development’ Built Environment Journal

2019    Review: ‘Mexico and the Caribbean Under Castro’s Eyes’ Bulletin of Latin American Research

2018    Review: ‘Concrete Jungles: urban pollution and the politics of difference in the Caribbean’ New West Indian Guide 92: 349-350

2017    ‘Fighting for freedoms: revolution, resilience and turbulent times in the Caribbean’ British Academy https://www.britac.ac.uk/events/fighting-freedom-rebellion-revolt-and-revolution-caribbean

2017    Garrison state Jane’s Intelligence Review 29, 1: 42-45

2015    Review: ‘The Cuban Cure: reason and resistance in global science’ New West Indian Guide 89, 1-2: 138-139

2004     The Dominican Republic. In Gordon, L. (ed.) Caribbean London: Insight, 24–36

2002     The Dominican Republic. In Jones, D. (ed.) Censorship: A World Encyclopedia London: Fitzroy Dearborn, 683–684

2002     Censorship and maps. In Jones, D. (ed.) Censorship: A World Encyclopedia London: Fitzroy Dearborn, 1540–1541

2002     Introduction, History and Culture. In Gordon, L. (ed.) Antigua London: Insight, 7–18, 101–107

2002     Antigua. In Gordon, L. (ed.) Caribbean London: Insight, 244–247

2000     Santo Domingo, Culture. In Gordon, L. (ed.) Dominican Republic and Haiti London: Insight, 169–178, 133–136

1996     The Dominican Republic: colouring the nation. In Cameron, S. (ed.) Caribbean Islands Handbook Bath: Footprint, 64–65