Therapeutic Photography: An Introduction


Unlock the transformative power of imagery and harness the therapeutic potentials of photography, enhancing your professional toolkit and personal growth journey. 

This unique day event is designed for those eager to explore how photography can be used as a powerful tool for emotional healing and personal expression. Ideal continuing professional development (CPD) for professionals in mental health, educators, and anyone interested in the intersection of art and therapy. 

You will embark on a journey through four distinct modules that cover both the theory and practice of Therapeutic Photography.

We begin with an Introduction to Therapeutic Photography, where you will learn about the origins, key theories, and the distinction between related practices like phototherapy. 

The second session focuses on The Mechanics of Therapeutic Photography, teaching you the essential skills of camera operation, photographic techniques, and how to create environments conducive to emotional expression. This practical module ensures that you can handle equipment and techniques with confidence, applying them in ways that foster deep personal and subject reflection. 

The third session, Therapeutic Photography in Practice, delves into real-world applications, showcasing how this method has been successfully implemented in various settings. Through case studies and interactive discussions, you will understand the dynamics of photo-elicitation, self-portraiture, and the critical ethical considerations that ensure respect and confidentiality. 

The final session, Integration and Professional Practice, guides you on how to integrate these practices into professional settings. Whether you're a therapist, counsellor, or educator, you will learn how to design and implement a therapeutic photography programme that aligns with your professional environment. 

Note: Please bring a digital camera with you. This can be of any kind, including a smartphone, and ideally you will have the means of sharing one or two images taken on the day with the tutor.

Please note: this event will close to enrolments at 23:59 BST on 14 May 2025.

Programme details

Registration at Ewert House Reception

Introduction to Therapeutic Photography

Tea/coffee break

The Mechanics of Therapeutic Photography

Lunch break

Therapeutic Photography in Practice

Tea/coffee break

Integration and Professional Practice

End of day


Description Costs
Course Fee (includes tea/coffee) £125.00
Baguette Lunch £7.30


If you are in receipt of a UK state benefit or are a full-time student in the UK you may be eligible for a reduction of 50% of tuition fees.

Concessionary fees for short courses


Dr Graham Wilson

A PhD in animal behaviour, and initial career in organisation development followed by psychotherapy training, led Graham to practise as an executive confidant for 20+ years. He has taught counselling, psychology and photography at Oxford and elsewhere for a decade. Recently retired as Coordinator of HE Counselling Courses at Guildford College, his research interests include the use of imagery to provoke positive behavioural change within communities. Graham currently leads programmes of therapeutic photography within Oxfordshire. He has written more than ten textbooks.


Please use the 'Book' button on this page. Alternatively, please contact us to obtain an application form.


Accommodation is not included in the price, but if you wish to stay with us the night before the course, then please contact our Residential Centre.

Accommodation in Rewley House - all bedrooms are modern, comfortably furnished and each room has tea and coffee making facilities, Freeview television, and Free WiFi and private bath or shower rooms.  Please contact our Residential Centre on +44 (0) 1865 270362 or email for details of availability and discounted prices.