The Structure of Clinical Trials and Experimental Therapeutics


The Structure of Clinical Trials and Experimental Therapeutics course is a one-week module of the MSc in Experimental Therapeutics. Offered by Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences (NDORMS) and the Department for Continuing Education, the week will be led by Prof Rachel Kerr and will feature face-to-face lectures and tutorials from some of Oxford's leading clinicians and scientists.

The module can be taken as a stand-alone short course. It includes group work, discussions, guest lectures, and interaction and feedback with tutors and lecturers.

Please send me an email about future runs of this course.

The Structure of Clinical Trials and Experimental Therapeutics course will provide students with the opportunity to learn more about and discuss the following topics:

  • The history of drug discovery
  • Modern methods of drug discovery
  • Preclinical drug development
  • First in human studies; proof of concept
  • Early Phase I studies
  • Phase II/III studies
  • Translational research in clinical trials
  • Regulatory authorities (CHM, NICE, EMEA, FDA)

What do students say about the course?

'I enjoyed it very much! Very interesting lectures and knowledgeable lecturers'

Catherine Rogers, MSc Student - Clinical Trials Practitioner, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust 

Programme details

This course can be taken:


We anticipate that this course will be held at the Department for Continuing Education premises in Oxford.  The location will be confirmed in due course.


Short course participants who do not wish to undertake the assessed work required for academic credit but who do satisfy the course attendance requirements will receive a certificate of attendance. The pdf sample above is an illustration only, and the wording will reflect the course and dates attended.

Those successfully completing the course for credit can request a CATS point transcript.


Description Costs
2022-23 & earlier enrolled - MSc in ETT £2640.00
Standalone fee for 2025-2026 £3390.00
Students enrolled on MSc in ETT £2740.00


Potential sources of funding for courses in Experimental Therapeutics.

Details of funding opportunities including grants, bursaries and scholarships are available on our sources of funding page.


The course fee includes:

  • Tuition
  • Course materials
  • Refreshments and a three course lunch on each day of the course
  • Access to the following University of Oxford libraries and services:
    • Radcliffe Science Library
    • Rewley House Continuing Education Library
    • Bodleian Libraries e-Resources
  • Access to facilities from the Department for Continuing Education, including:
    • The Graduate School
    • WebLearn virtual learning environment
    • Wi-fi access through Oxford Wireless LAN (OWL).


Professor Rachel Kerr


Professor Kerr gained a BSc (Physiology) followed by an MBChB with Honours from University of Birmingham in 1994. After general medical postgraduate training (MRCP) she undertook research into cancer vaccines, leading to the award of her PhD in 2002.

Rachel is Associate Professor of Gastrointestinal Oncology in the Department of Oncology at the University of Oxford and Consultant Medical Oncologist at Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust within the colorectal cancer multidisciplinary team.

She has been the recipient of multiple personal fellowships from the MRC, DH and HEFCE and has authored over 100 papers in the field of colorectal cancer. Rachel is also Clinical Director of Phase 3 Trials at the Oncology Clinical Trials Office (OCTO) based within the University and has extensive experiencing setting up, managing and writing up clinical trials in this area. Rachel has been Chief Investigator / co-Chief Investigator on trials that have recruited almost 15,000 patients over the last 15 years.

Course aims

The course has been designed to:

  • introduce the most commonly used and most important analytical, quantitative and practical methods used in clinical trials and experimental therapeutics
  • enable students to understand the principles that underpin clinical trials and research and to enable them to translate that understanding into good clinical practice
  • enhance the quality of translational medicine and clinical trial management at the institutions to which students belong
  • allow the student to competently analyse and critically assess clinical trial publications.


Teaching methods

The course will be taught by a range of scientists leading these areas of research, and there will be significant time programmed to discuss the scientific and sometimes ethical issues raised by this area of medical research. It will include group work, discussions, guest lectures, and interaction and feedback with tutors and lecturers.

A virtual learning environment (VLE) and access to some of the University of Oxford’s online resources will provide support for those taking the course for credit.

Assessment methods

Assessment will be based on submission of a set written assignment, not exceeding 4,000 words. The assessment is only undertaken by those taking the course for academic credit.

Academic credit

Those wishing to may apply to take the course with accreditation. The University of Oxford Department for Continuing Education offers Credit Accumulation and Transfer Scheme (CATS) points for the course. Participants attending at least 75% of the taught course and successfully completing assessed assignments are eligible to earn credit equivalent to 20 CATS-equivalent points which may be counted towards a postgraduate qualification.


Application deadline: two weeks before the commencement of the course.

This course requires you to complete the online application form (please press the 'Apply' button in the top right pane) and submit a copy of your CV as an attachment as part of the application.

If you are applying to take this course for academic credit you will also need to complete section two of the reference form and forward it to your referee for completion, to return to Please note that if you are not applying to take the course for academic credit then you do not need to submit a reference.

Level and demands

The course will appeal to health professionals from a wide range of backgrounds, including qualified doctors, especially specialist registrars in clinical pharmacology or in training for other medical sub-specialities; clinical research fellows; pharmacists; nurses; graduates working in the pharmaceutical industry or in academic clinical trials.

Selection criteria

To apply for this short course you should:

  • be a graduate or have successfully completed a professional training course
  • have experience in a health-related field
  • demonstrate a suitable level of English (if this is not your first language).



Accommodation is available at the Rewley House Residential Centre, within the Department for Continuing Education, in central Oxford. The comfortable, en-suite, study-bedrooms have been rated as 4-Star Campus accommodation under the Quality In Tourism scheme, and come with tea- and coffee-making facilities, free Wi-Fi access and Freeview TV. Guests can take advantage of the excellent dining facilities and common room bar, where they may relax and network with others on the programme.

IT requirements

This course uses the Department’s online assignment submission system and online courseware. In order to participate in the course, and to prepare and submit your course assignments you will need access to the Internet and a computer meeting our recommended minimum computer specification. Students of this course may use the student computing facilities provided in Departmental buildings.