Systems Thinking Essentials for Sustainability and Social Impact


Every day, there are 'ominous' updates on the gravity of wicked problems such as climate change, growing inequalities, wars, lack of fair and sustainable access to food, healthcare etc. that require complex, cross-sector solutions to be tackled. Established institutions and strategies to address these social and environmental issues seem to be 'too little, too late'. For this reason, in the past ten years, a growing number of people have called for a re-think of the socio-economic systems we live in, as the only way to ensure the well-being of people and the planet.

This online, interactive day school (split over two half-days) aims to introduce the fundamentals of systems thinking and some of the tools and insights to adopt this approach in a way that can help to generate the systemic change we need.

During the programme, we will explore together what systems thinking, systems leadership and systems change mean and how they are enacted, through both theoretical definitions and practical examples. We will also reflect on the strengths and limitations of systemic approaches and understand how they can be enacted at different scales.

During the first day, we will unpick the concepts of systems thinking, systems leadership and systems change and understand how different individuals and organisations are using them to make their organisations more sustainable or to drive positive social and/or environmental impact. If there is time, some key tools to adopt systems thinking will be introduced (e.g. mind maps, iceberg model, feedback loops and systems maps).

During the second day, we will do a practical exercise on how to use systems thinking to develop a new social enterprise/initiative with social impact. The course will end with an inspirational note through the testimony of a social entrepreneur who adopted a systemic approach to develop their social enterprise and the social and environmental impact it generates. 

Please note: this event will close to enrolments at 23:59 GMT (UTC) on 5 November 2024.

Programme details

All times UK, GMT (UTC)

Friday 8 November

Introduction to systems thinking, systems leadership and systems change 
Tanja Collavo 


Practical case studies and tools of systemic approaches  
Tanja Collavo 

End of day

Saturday 9 November

Putting systems thinking in practice to ideate a new social enterprise 
Tanja Collavo 


Testimony from a systems thinker  
Paola Masperi

End of course 


Description Costs
Course Fee £120.00


If you are in receipt of a UK state benefit or are a full-time student in the UK you may be eligible for a reduction of 50% of tuition fees.

Concessionary fees for short courses


Dr Tanja Collavo


Tanja acts as Course Director for the Master’s in Sustainability Leadership, Flexible Route and for the Postgraduate Certificate (Organisational Stream) and Postgraduate Diploma in Sustainable Business at the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership. She has taught and tutored courses in social entrepreneurship, strategy, general management and collaborations, and has knowledge of design and systems thinking as processes to develop sustainable solutions to complex social and environmental issues. Before her current role, Tanja has supported collaborations between researchers and businesses for the realisation of impact, and has completed a PhD in Management Studies at Said Business School, Oxford University. In 2022, Tanja published the textbook “Foundations of social Entrepreneurship: Theory, Practical Tools and Skills”.

Ms Paola Masperi


Paola is an impact entrepreneur and founder of award winning, responsible fashion label Mayamiko, which counts Meghan Markle amongst its fans. Paola is also the founder of women empowerment charity Mayamiko Trust, working in Malawi delivering economic and social empowerment programmes with women and for women. Malawi is where much of the production for Mayamiko takes place, creating a sustainable economic model for local partners. 

Paola’s background combines digital innovation and marketing, linguistic and communication, and international development. More recently Paola has been creating Madeby, a technology solution developed based on her fashion industry experience, aimed at increasing trust and transparency, and combatting greenwashing.


Please use the 'Book' button on this page. Alternatively, please contact us to obtain an application form.

IT requirements

The University of Oxford uses Microsoft Teams for our learning environment, where students and tutors will discuss and interact in real time. Joining instructions will be sent out prior to the start date. We recommend that you join the session at least 10-15 minutes prior to the start time – just as you might arrive a bit early at our lecture theatre for an in-person event.

If you have not used the Microsoft Teams app before, once you click the joining link you will be invited to download it (this is free). Once you have downloaded the app, please test before the start of your course. If you are using a laptop or desktop computer, you will also be offered the option of connecting using a web browser. If you connect via a web browser, Chrome is recommended.

Please note that this course will not be recorded.