Spanish: Beginners - Part 1


This 10-week course is for complete beginners in the language and those who have acquired some expressions informally through travel or socialising. It is pitched at level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), and completion of the course will help you meet some of the level requirements. To help develop your fluency in the language, the course will focus primarily on speaking and listening skills, but will also include practice in reading and writing. You will have plenty of opportunities to practise the target language through hands-on collaborative class activities such as conversations and role-plays.

Programme details

Course starts: 2 Oct 2024

Our public programme is open access, and most adult language classes are mixed ability. The weekly course schedule below is intended to give an overview of the main topics likely to be covered in each session. Please note that these may sometimes change according to the tutor’s discretion to reflect the interests of course participants.

Week 1: Greetings, names, the alphabet, and class instructions

Week 2: Countries, nationalities and languages. Numbers 1-20

Week 3: Jobs, work places, and studies

Week 4: Addresses & phones. Numbers 21-100

Week 5: Greetings (2). Formal & informal uses of 'you' and social introductions

Week 6: Families, marital status, and relationships

Week 7: Physical & character descriptions. Colours

Week 8: Objects. Coins and notes. Shopping

Week 9: Towns & cities. Directions and geographical locations. Big numbers

Week 10: Revision.

Key grammar points:

* Gender and number agreement of Spanish adjectives

* Present tense of regular verbs in -ar, -er, -ir

* Present tense of main irregular verbs (ser, estar, tener, ir)

* Definite and indefinite articles

* Prepositions of place

Key functions:

* Greetings, introducing oneself and others

* Describing a person

* Talking about family

* Describing a town or city

* Asking for and providing basic information


Students who attend a minimum of 70% of classes will receive a Certificate of Attendance.


Description Costs
Course Fee £275.00


If you are in receipt of a UK state benefit, you are a full-time student in the UK or a student on a low income, you may be eligible for a reduction of 50% of tuition fees. Please see the below link for full details:

Concessionary fees for short courses


Mrs Sara Relinque Camacho

Sara is a Spanish native from South Spain. She has been teaching Spanish language and culture since 2016. She obtained her Degree in Humanities at Pablo de Olavide University and her PGCSE at the University of Seville. Later, she completed a Master´s Degree in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language at Nebrija Univeristy, Madrid. In 2019 she arrived in the UK where she has been teaching Spanish at different levels in a variety of contexts.

Course aims

To enable you to communicate at a very basic level with speakers of your target language in a limited range of practical, real-life settings.

Course objectives:

  • To help students to develop the language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing for very basic routine communication in the target language.
  • To enable students to use high frequency vocabulary and grammar structures for very simple routine interaction in the target language.
  • To equip students with an initial appreciation of the culture and civilisation of the country (or countries) in which the target language is spoken.

Teaching methods

You will learn through a communicative teaching approach with the emphasis on actively engaging in classroom activities in the target language. These are likely to include role-plays, pair- and small group-work, and conversational practice conducted in a supportive, friendly and informal learning environment.

The course has been structured to help you primarily to develop your speaking and listening skills and to gradually gain an insight into the culture and daily life of your target language. You will also learn and practise new grammatical structures in a communicative context and will be encouraged to develop your reading and writing skills in your own time.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • use very simple phrases and utterances to provide basic personal information, such as name, address, family members and nationality;
  • interact in a simple way using a very basic range of language in routine everyday contexts;
  • understand the gist of very short, simple written texts and audio/video excerpts containing the highest frequency vocabulary items and basic grammar structures;
  • produce simple phrases and very short texts using basic structures and vocabulary items.

Assessment methods

You will be set short, optional assignments to consolidate your learning and to allow you to progress at your own pace.


Please use the 'Book' or 'Apply' button on this page. Alternatively, please complete an enrolment form (Word) or enrolment form (Pdf).

Level and demands