This course introduces the science of psychology, exploring the richness of human functions, uncovering the brain’s secrets, revealing its complexities. Studies from the biological, psychodynamic, cognitive, behavioural and social approaches are presented. This course is appropriate for gaining understanding of psychology and in preparation for more specialised courses.
Listen to Dr Anna Scarna talking about the course:
Psychology is the study of human behaviour. It takes the form of a number of different approaches, including biological, psychodynamic, cognitive, behavioural and social theories. In this course students are introduced to key research studies in each of these areas, and find out the answers to questions such as: What does the brain look like? How does it work? How do we think? How do we learn languages? How do we remember, and why do we forget? Why do we like to eat, drink, sleep and have sex? Why do we conform and whom do we obey? Why do we disobey? Why and how do we fall in love? How do relationships break up? This course explores the richness of human functions and uncovers the secrets behind the brain, revealing its complexities and answering questions about how and why we behave (and misbehave!). The course reveals how psychologists study human behaviour in laboratory conditions and explains some of the difficulties encountered in doing so. The course is designed for those wishing to acquire an understanding of psychology as a science, and the contributions of psychologists in the understanding of human behaviour.
For information on how the courses work, please click here.