Course begins: 22 April 2025
The weekly course schedule below is intended to give an overview of the main topic(s) likely to be covered in each session. Please note that these may sometimes change, at the tutor’s discretion, to reflect the interests of course participants.
Week 1: Estou a caminho! Meeting friends (and friends of friends) on the way. Updating news.
Prolonged greetings – informal and formal. Evoking past events.
‘Há quanto tempo…?’; ‘Desde quando... ?’ + Preterite tenses (PPS and PII).
Week 2: Querem almoçar connosco? Inviting, accepting and refusing social events. Being politely assertive.
Social pleasantries. Personal pronouns – direct, indirect and preceded by ‘com’.
Semi-modal verbs: ‘querer’, ‘poder, ‘saber’ + Infinitive. ‘Ser preciso’ / ‘Se necessário’ + Infinitive.
Week 3: Desculpe, acho que houve engano!... Rectifying orders at the restaurant. Making polite complaints.
Vocabulary and expressions relating to food and restaurants.
Polite expressions of complaint.
Week 4: No consulado. Pedido de vistos e de informação. Mediating at the consulate - requesting visas and cultural information.
Vocabulary on forms and notices; adverts.
Week 5: Precisamos de pôr as vacinas em dia – eu e o meu cão!... Going to the doctor and to the vet.
‘Estar’ + Adjective; ‘Estar com’ + Noun phrase; ‘Ter’ + Noun phrase. Verb ‘doer’.
Vocabulary on human and animal bodies.
Week 6: Silêncio que se vai... apresentar! Students’ (voluntary) presentations (1).
Discussing cultural topics relevant to the Portuguese speaking countries and communities, based on students’ choices.
Week 7: Silêncio, que se vai... apresentar! Students’ (voluntary) presentations (2).
Discussing cultural topics relevant to the Portuguese speaking countries and communities, based on students’ choices.
Week 8: Revisões. Revisions.
Week 9: Estava em aula quando ligaste. Já chegaram? Como correu? Narrating, describing and sharing experiences face-to-face, by email and by card.
Tenses in the past: Pretérito Imperfeito do Indicative (PII) vs. Pretérito Perfeito Simples do Indicativo (PPSI).
Examples of emails and cards.
Week 10: Um piquenique de despedida. A farewell picnic. Linguistic and cultural games.
Background Reading
Coursebooks are advised, but not compulsory for this term. Supplementary course material will be provided by the course tutor.