Latin: Lower Intermediate - Consolidation


This 10-week consolidation course is based on the syllabus of the previous two terms (most recently – Latin: Lower Intermediate - Part 2) and is primarily tailored to meet the needs of students who completed the weekly class, but new students who are at the appropriate level of proficiency are also welcome. Students who missed some live sessions during the previous two terms and wish to catch up for the next level up in the next academic year are encouraged to join. It will comprise one weekly, one-hour pre-recorded lecture to be viewed by students in preparation for the weekly tutor-led live session at the advertised time. Students will be encouraged to prepare and study at home.

Using sections 3 and 4 of Jones and Sidwell's textbook 'Reading Latin' as well as additional resources, we will meet and consolidate semi-deponent and deponent verbs, participles, reported statements, uses of subjunctive and several types of secondary clauses. We will also practice all the verb tenses, in active and passive forms.

We will be working through and revising sections 3 and 4 of Jones and Sidwell's lively textbook Reading Latin and on unseen passages and materials provided by the tutor on a weekly basis. The structure of the course means that we will be translating extended passages from the beginning - an essential way to get to grips with Latin in practice.

By the end of the course, we will have encountered all the verbs tenses, pronouns and be familiar with the major clauses (reported statements, active periphrastic, ablative absolute, relative clauses, cum clauses, indirect commands), giving students the confidence to navigate original Latin texts at a more advanced level.

Programme details

First live webinar:  24 April 2025, 12.30-1.30pm (UK time)

Week 1: Pronouns: revision of the pronoun is. Personal pronouns and possessive adjectives: revision;  and suus in context.

Week 2: Verbs: perfect indicative deponent; semi-deponents; perfect participles deponent.

Week 3: Verbs: Present participles, future participles and perfect participles of active verbs. Translations and other usages.

Week 4: Verbs: revision of infinitives and perfect and future infinitives. Syntax: reported statements in more complex translations.

Week 5: The ablative case: revision and new usages. Ablative absolute and nominal clauses.

Week 6: Verbs: pluperfect indicative active and deponent.

Week 7: The relative pronoun quī and relative clauses.

Week 8: Active and passive voice revision: present, future, imperfect indicative; perfect, pluperfect indicative, and imperative.

Week 9: Usages of pluperfect subjunctive active, passive and deponent. Cum + subjunctive.

Week 10: Revision of present subjunctive active, passive and deponent. Revision of imperfect subjunctive.

Background Reading

No coursebook required \ All course materials will be provided by the course tutor


Description Costs
Course Fee £275.00


If you are in receipt of a UK state benefit, you are a full-time student in the UK or a student on a low income, you may be eligible for a reduction of 50% of tuition fees. Please see the below link for full details:

Concessionary fees for short courses


Mrs Elena Vacca

Elena Giulia Vacca is a Classicist specialising in Comparative Literature and Classical Reception in Russian Literature. She lectures in Latin Language at the University of Oxford and is also a Classics tutor for Latin and Classical Greek in City Literary Institute of London. She is currently working on her PhD project at the University of Oxford. She also teaches Italian as a foreign language (L2) in the Italian Cultural Institute of London.

Course aims

  • Consolidate the grammar, syntax and vocabulary learnt throughout the first two terms.
  • Become fluent in reading Latin texts.
  • Read passages of original text to see the contructions studied in context. 
  • Revise more challenging aspects of the language that are appropriate for the level. 

Course objectives:

1. Read and translate original Latin texts.

2. Understand advanced grammar topics and recognise the phenomena in the texts.

3. Consolidate and enhance the extant vocabulary by recognising the formation of individual words and etymological affinities.

4. Building contextual knowledge about society and culture of 5th c. Athens

Teaching methods

Learning takes place on a weekly schedule. At the start of each weekly unit, students are provided with learning materials on our online platform, including one hour of pre-recorded video, often supplemented by guided readings and educational resources. These learning materials prepare students for a one-hour live webinar with an expert tutor at the end of each weekly unit which they attend in small groups. Webinars are held on Microsoft Teams, and provide the opportunity for students to respond to discussion prompts and ask questions. The blend of weekly learning materials that can be worked through flexibly, together with a live meeting with a tutor and their peers, maximise learning and engagement through interaction in a friendly, supportive environment.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the course students will be expected to be able to:

1. Translate short passages from Latin into English;

2. Apply their knowledge of Latin grammar, of word formation and of vocabulary;

3. Understand a Latin text as a product of a specific time and place.

Assessment methods

You will be set optional assignments to consolidate your learning and to allow you to progress at your own pace. Weekly tests/quizzes and homework will provide a means of gauging progress over the course. 


Please use the 'Book now' or 'Apply' button on this page. Alternatively, please complete an Enrolment Form (Word) or Enrolment Form (Pdf)

We will close to enrolments 7 days prior to the first live webinar to allow us to complete the course set up. We will email your joining instructions at that time (7 days before you first live webinar) so you can access the Canvas virtual learning environment (VLE) and watch your first pre-recorded video. Please check spam and junk folders during this period to ensure that these emails are received.