What is Existential Therapy? In what ways might it help people shed light on the meaning and purpose of their unique existence? What challenges does it pose to other forms of therapy? How can you include an existential understanding in your therapeutic practice or just use it to enable you yourself to gain a better understanding of your ways of seeing and being in the world?
This is a 10-week introduction to the theory and practice of Existential Therapy which assumes no previous knowledge or experience. Three integrated strands run through the programme: understanding theory, developing skills and improving self-awareness.
Theory will examine Existential Therapy's key theoretical assumptions across its varied evolution and development as well as considering the implications such ideas may have for a therapeutic or self development practice. The course will also briefly consider the importance of anti-discriminatory practice.
Developing Skills will examine Existential Therapy's core themes, principles and practices specifically providing a grounding in some key existential interventions from the various schools of existential theory and practice. Students will be encouraged to use their own experience, but will not be expected to discuss painful personal issues.
Through the theory and the skills practice students will be encouraged to reflect on their personal learning in order to gain self-awareness.
This course will enable participants to bring key Existential theory and skills to bear in either their clinical practice or general self development. It provides a foundation rather than a comprehensive training in Existential Therapy, as well as offering an opportunity for students to discover whether or not they want to progress to more advanced Existential training. By application only.