Who will benefit from this course?
The Design Thinking Practitioner (online) course is designed for everybody who has an interest in solving problems and building something new.
You will benefit from this course if:
You want to start your journey towards becoming a Design Thinking practitioner
You have a basic need for Design Thinking:
You are looking for a way to boost innovation and creativity in your organisation
You want to develop new products and services for an existing business
You are involved in a charity or social enterprise and are searching for creative methods to boost the impact of your organisation
You want to get involved in start-ups and need a route into your first ‘killer product’
You want a route into launching and running real Design Thinking projects
What is Design Thinking?
Design Thinking worked for them!
An overview of the Design Thinking process
Design Thinking projects
Establishing the team
Building your workspace
Establishing rituals
Project patterns
Design Thinking in context
The critics of Design Thinking
Sharpening your observational skills – how to find problems to drive innovation
Dates, Times and Delivery
The Design Thinking Practitioner (online) course will run over 6 sessions over the course of 5 days.
The sessions will be held via Microsoft Teams. Each session will be 90 minutes, presented live from our purpose-built broadcast studio.
All times given are UK times. A world clock and time zone converter can be found here: https://bit.ly/3bSPu6D
This is a ‘virtual classroom’ course.
To replicate the experience of a classroom, the sessions are ‘live’ and are not recorded.
During the course you will have access to an online collaboration website. This can be used to interact with the course tutor, and will also be used to support learning activities during the course.