Becoming a Clinical Educator


The Becoming a Clinical Educator course is an introduction into the world of current postgraduate clinical education. It gives participants a working knowledge of how to design, conduct and evaluate teaching and training for postgraduate clinicians, and how to assess curricula and teaching programmes, in medical and surgical environments.

This clinical education training course helps participants understand the principles and reasoning behind modern training and assessment methods while developing the skills needed to embark on a career pathway where roles as an educator and trainer form an important part.

The course explores:

  • Theory of adult learning, especially those relevant to medicine and surgery
  • The value of different teaching methods
  • Simulation in training
  • Principles of valid assessment, including summative assessments and appraisal
  • Design of syllabi and assessment for doctors and surgeons in training
  • The principles behind curriculum development.

This course is offered by Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences and the Department for Continuing Education.

It features face-to-face seminars, tutorials and surgical simulation, as well as lectures by guest experts.

Class sizes are kept small to allow full interaction with tutors. Study before and after the course is supported by a rich virtual learning environment.

Previous guest speakers have included:

  • Anthony Bradlow, Head of the Oxford School of Medicine, Oxford Deanery
  • Richard Canter, Head of the School of Surgery, Severn Deanery
  • Jill Fresen, Senior Learning Technologist, IT Services, University of Oxford
  • Ashok Handa, Reader in Surgery, University of Oxford
  • Jeremy Noble, Head of the School of Surgery, Oxford Deanery
  • Adrian Stokes, Director of Continuing Professional Development, University of Oxford Department for Continuing Education.

Comments from previous participants:

"The course is well balanced between the theories and research behind medical education, and practical sessions. Through discussion and practical sessions, I have gained greater understanding of how theories apply and the challenges in putting them into practice."

Programme details

This course can be taken:


This course will be held at the Department for Continuing Education, Rewley House, Oxford.


Short course participants who do not wish to undertake the assessed work required for academic credit but who do satisfy the course attendance requirements will receive a certificate of attendance.

Those successfully completing the course for credit can request a CATS point transcript.


Description Costs
22-23 & earlier enrolled - MSc in Surgical Science and Practice £2640.00
22-23 & earlier enrolled - PG Cert in Patient Safety £2640.00
Short course in Surgical Science and Practice £3390.00
Students enrolled on MSc in Surgical Science and Practice £2740.00
Students enrolled on PG Cert in Patient Safety £2740.00


Details of funding opportunities including grants, bursaries and scholarships are available on our sources of funding page.


The course fee includes:

  • Tuition
  • Course materials
  • Refreshments and a three-course lunch on each day of the course
  • Access to the following University of Oxford libraries and services:
    • Radcliffe Science Library
    • Rewley House Continuing Education Library
    • Bodleian Libraries e-Resources
  • Access to facilities from the Department for Continuing Education, including:
    • The Graduate School
    • Canvas virtual learning environment
    • Wi-fi access through Oxford Wireless LAN (OWL)

Stand Alone fee £3,390 for November 2025 


Jeremy Noble

Module Coordinator

Jeremy Noble is a Consultant Urological Surgeon to Oxford University Hospitals Foundation NHS Trust , an Honorary Clinical Lecturer to the University of Oxford and Associate Dean.  He trained in urology in London and Reading and now forms part of a consultant team sub-specialising in lower urinary tract dysfunction, reconstructive and female urology and stone disease.

His research interests include the overactive bladder and benign prostate disease and he has a particular interest in the medical management of bladder dysfunction and benign prostatic hyperplasia.

He is heavily involved in medical training.  He has been Head of the Oxford School of Surgery and regional training programme director for core surgery and urology for HEE Thames Valley.  He has been a member of the SAC in Urology, a member of the Core Surgery Training Forum at The Royal College of Surgeons, intercollegiate examiner for the FRCS Urol examination and latterly a panel assessor for the Intercollegiate Examination Board.  Jeremy is currently Associate Dean for HEE TV with an interest in workforce planning and transformation.

Course aims

This Becoming a Clinical Educator course aims to give participants:

  • tools to enhance their own practice by helping them learn some core educational skills.
  • an improved understanding of the concepts underpinning current educational practice.
  • methods to help improve the practice of others and to help develop others' professional development.
  • an appreciation of the wider medical educational landscape and its potential.
  • practice and understanding, working towards improving patient care.


By the end of the course participants will be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of their own and others' differing teaching and learning preferences.
  • Display an understanding of the principles and processes influencing education especially as they relate to clinical education and training.
  • Show an appreciation of the uses and potential of technology in clinical learning and assessment.
  • Demonstrate relevant practical skills of teaching, assessment and feedback.
  • Have engaged in a project which demonstrates their potential to learn and master a new subject.


Assessment methods

Assessment will be based on submission of a set written assignment, not exceeding 4,000 words. The assessment is only undertaken by those taking the course for academic credit.

Academic credit

Those wishing to, may apply to take the course with accreditation. The University of Oxford Department for Continuing Education offers Credit Accumulation and Transfer Scheme (CATS) points for the course. Participants attending at least 75% of the taught course and successfully completing assessed assignments are eligible to earn credit equivalent to 20 CATS-equivalent points which may be counted towards a postgraduate qualification.


Application deadline: four weeks before the commencement of the course.

This course requires you to complete the online application form (please press the 'Apply' button) and include a copy of your CV as an attachment.

If you are applying to take this course for academic credit you will also need to complete section two of the reference form and forward it to your referee for completion, who will then need to email it to Please note that if you are not applying to take the course for academic credit then you do not need to submit a reference.

This course is part of the MSc in Surgical Science and Practice. If you would like to apply for the MSc in Surgical Science and Practice please visit the programme page.

Selection criteria

To apply for this course you should:

  • be a graduate or have successfully completed a professional training course
  • have at least two years' professional work experience in the health service or a health-related field
  • be able to combine intensive classroom learning with the application of the principles and practices within the work place
  • demonstrate a suitable level of English (if this is not your first language).



Accommodation is available at the Rewley House Residential Centre, within the Department for Continuing Education, in central Oxford. The comfortable, en-suite, study-bedrooms have been rated as 4-Star Campus accommodation under the Quality In Tourism scheme, and come with tea- and coffee-making facilities, free Wi-Fi access and Freeview TV. Guests can take advantage of the excellent dining facilities and common room bar, where they may relax and network with others on the programme.

IT requirements

This course uses the Department’s online assignment submission system and online courseware. In order to participate in the course, and to prepare and submit your course assignments you will need access to the Internet and a computer meeting our recommended minimum computer specification. Students of this course may use the student computing facilities provided in Departmental buildings.