Dr Suman Chowdhury is a Departmental Lecturer in Lifelong Learning (Physical Sciences) at the Oxford University Department for Continuing Education. He gained his doctorate in geophysics and tectonics from the University of Oxford, and possesses a broad range of expertise in the earth and space sciences. He has lived and worked across the globe, with field experience including the geophysical survey of the Chicxulub impact crater in Mexico. Dr Chowdhury is a Fellow of the Geological Society and Royal Astronomical Society, and a Member of the International Astronomical Union.
Elizabeth Charlton has a doctorate in physics specialising in astronomy and astrophysics with areas of interest that include the use of radio astronomy techniques to study magnetic effects in star formation regions and the use of planetaria in multidisciplinary education. She continues her involvement in physics and astronomy education working with OUSSA and OUDCE teaching astronomy subjects.
Matthew Malek is a lecturer in Experimental Particle Physics at the University of Sheffield. His research interests include neutrino physics and astrophysics, proton decay, dark matter and cosmic rays.
Dr. Steve Croft is a radio astronomer working on the Breakthrough Listen technosignature search project, leading Listen's observational program on the 100-meter-diameter Green Bank Telescope. In addition to being a key member of the science team, he is Listen's Director of Undergraduate Research. Steve obtained his undergraduate degree in Astrophysics from University College, London, and a DPhil in Astrophysics from Oxford University. He is jointly affiliated with Oxford University, the University of California, Berkeley, and the SETI Institute.
Andrew Norton is Professor of Astrophysics Education at The Open University. He is a Fellow, Council Member and Vice President of the Royal Astronomical Society and serve on its Education & Outreach Committee as well as its Diversity Committee. He is also a Fellow of the Institute of Physics and a Member of the International Astronomical Union. Prof Norton has authored or co-authored over 100 refereed journal papers, and his research interests include:
- General time domain astrophysics, including wide field surveys for variable stars and transiting exoplanets using SuperWASP.
- Observations and modeling of Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables, in particular multi-wavelength observations of Intermediate Polars and modelling of their accretion flows.
- Observations and modeling of High Mass X-ray Binaries, in particular radial velocity studies of eclipsing systems to determine masses of neutron stars and black holes.
Sanjeev Gupta is Professor of Earth Sciences at Imperial College London. He is a geologist by training and has spent much of his career studying sedimentary rock formations in places like the Sinai Peninsula, Egypt, and landscapes under the sea in the English Channel. He then switched his attention to exploring the geology of Mars.
Sanjeev is a science team member on NASA's Perseverance rover and Curiosity rover missions.