Ancient Greek: Lower Intermediate - Consolidation


This 10-week consolidation course is based on the syllabus of the previous two terms (most recently - Ancient Greek: Lower Intermediate - Part 2) and is primarily tailored to meet the needs of students who completed the weekly class, but new students who are at the appropriate level of proficiency are also welcome. Students who missed some classes during the first two terms and wish to catch up for the next level in the next academic year are encouraged to join.

Ancient Greek is the language of philosophy, politics, mathematics, drama, and religion. This class is for students who have either completed Ancient Greek 2 or have prior knowledge of Ancient Greek from elsewhere.

In this class, we will be translating original (unmodified or lightly modified texts) from Greek into English while revising challenging grammatical and syntactical points (mainly, moods and tenses for regular and irregular verbs, participles and their syntax, cases and the role in the sentence). Moreover, we will build on the vocabulary covered during the previous two terms and get to know aspects of the life, literature, and culture in ancient Athens, through selected passages from Xenophon, Lysias, and Plato (among others).

This course will allow you to familiarise yourself further with reading and translating original texts.

In line with teaching of Ancient Greek in the UK, accents are not a mandatory part of the learning.

Programme details

First live webinar: 28 April 2025, 4.30-5.30pm (UK time)

Please note: there will be no class on the 5th and 26th May due to the public bank holidays.

Week 1: Case overview and prepositions

Week 2: Tense, aspect, and voice

Week 3: Subjunctive and its uses

Week 4: Optative and its uses

Week 5: Participle and its uses

Week 6: Impersonal verbs, gerunds and gerundives

Week 7: Purpose, fear, prevention

Week 8: Cause, result, time

Week 9: Conditionals

Week 10: Indirect speech


Description Costs
Course Fee £275.00


If you are in receipt of a UK state benefit, you are a full-time student in the UK or a student on a low income, you may be eligible for a reduction of 50% of tuition fees. Please see the below link for full details:

Concessionary fees for short courses


Dr Holly Hunt

Holly studied Classics at Balliol College, Oxford, where she earned a BA and an MSt. She moved five minutes down the road to St Anne’s College during her DPhil, to teach papers on ancient Greek language and literature at this college. Upon completing her doctorate on Aristophanes and humour theory, she became a lecturer in Classical languages at Regent’s Park College (still, despite the name, in Oxford). Her interests encompass archaic and classical Greek literature, and the application of cognitive theory to reading ancient texts.

Course aims

  • Consolidate the grammar, syntax and vocabulary learnt throughout the first two terms,
  • Become fluent in reading ancient Greek texts
  • Read passages of original text to see the contructions studied in context 
  • Revise more challenging aspects of the language that are appropriate for the level 

Course objectives:

1. Read and translate original Greek texts.

2. Understand advanced grammar topics and recognise the phenomena in the texts.

3. Consolidate and enhance the extant vocabulary by recognising the formation of individual words and etymological affinities.

4. Building contextual knowledge about society and culture of 5th c. Athens

Teaching methods

In class we will read out, translate and analyse the vocabulary, grammar, and syntax of short passages. Homework will be assigned regularly in order to enhance the students' learning process.

Learning takes place on a weekly schedule. At the start of each weekly unit, students are provided with learning materials on our online platform, including one hour of pre-recorded video, often supplemented by guided readings and educational resources. These learning materials prepare students for a one-hour live webinar with an expert tutor at the end of each weekly unit which they attend in small groups. Webinars are held on Microsoft Teams, and provide the opportunity for students to respond to discussion prompts and ask questions. The blend of weekly learning materials that can be worked through flexibly, together with a live meeting with a tutor and their peers, maximise learning and engagement through interaction in a friendly, supportive environment.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the course students will be expected to be able to:

1. Translate short passages from ancient Greek into English;

2. Apply their knowledge of Greek grammar, of word formation and of vocabulary;

3. Understand a Greek text as a product of a specific time and place.

Assessment methods

You will be set short, optional assignments to consolidate your learning and to allow you to progress at your own pace.


Please use the 'Book now' or 'Apply' button on this page. Alternatively, please complete an Enrolment Form (Word) or Enrolment Form (Pdf)

We will close to enrolments 7 days prior to the first live webinar to allow us to complete the course set up. We will email your joining instructions at that time (7 days before you first live webinar) so you can access the Canvas virtual learning environment (VLE) and watch your first pre-recorded video. Please check spam and junk folders during this period to ensure that these emails are received.