This course is intended for beginners but is also suitable for those wishing to refresh their Ancient Greek. It will comprise one weekly, one-hour pre-recorded lecture to be viewed by students in preparation for the weekly tutor-led live session at the advertised time. Students will be encouraged to prepare and study at home.
Using the first sections of the JACT textbook 'Reading Greek', we will start with learning the Greek alphabet before we meet major noun and adjective groups, several types of active verbs, and a number of pronouns.
This course will be reading-based so there will be the opportunity to read extended passages in Greek from the beginning as well as learning the grammatical underpinnings of the language. Through the study of texts and class discussion students will be introduced to aspects of Greek culture and thought.
By the end of the course we will have encountered the major noun and adjective groups, and be familiar with the present tenses of active, middle, and contract verbs, giving you the confidence to translate from English to Greek and Greek to English with ease.
In line with teaching of Ancient Greek in the UK, accents are not a mandatory part of the learning.