Student representation

Student representatives are valued members of course and Departmental committees, and of the Student Union. Find out how you can represent your fellow students below.
Course committees
Every award-bearing course is encouraged to appoint a student representative to its course committee from amongst its student body, normally for the academic year. If you are interested in this role, please speak with your Course Director or Course Administrator.
Departmental committees
Academic Board (AB) is the Department’s main academic committee. It considers statements of academic policy, proposals for new courses and revisions to courses, and implementation and monitoring of academic policy. Meetings take place twice per term, on Tuesday afternoons, online or occasionally hybrid. Two student representatives are appointed, for preference representing UG and PGT courses.
Assessment and Teaching Committee (ATC) is a sub-committee of Academic Board. Meetings take place twice per term, on Tuesday afternoons, and are normally online. Two student representatives are appointed, for preference representing UG and PGT courses.
Committee for Library Provision and Strategy (CLiPS) advises the Department and the University Libraries on matters relating to library provision and associated services. It reports on service levels and finances, and considers strategic plans for the effective provision of library services that optimally support teaching and research in the Department for Continuing Education. Meetings take place once per term in the daytime and are online. Two student representatives are appointed, from award-bearing courses.
Departmental Research Ethics Committee (DREC) supports students with research ethics and applications for CUREC. Meetings take place once per term on a weekday in Week 4, and are hybrid. One student representative is appointed, from either a PGT or a PGR course.
Digital Education Group (DEG) meets to discuss digital learning generally, with an additional focus on how the university’s digital strategy is implemented at the departmental level. With an academic as well as administrative focus, the DEG promotes the use of digital educational tools and advises on their use, encouraging good practice and facilitating staff development. Each term, there is one formal meeting and one interactive seminar or workshop usually showcasing innovation or good practice. Meetings and seminars are hybrid and held during the working day. A student representative is appointed for a one-year term, on the basis of the appropriateness of their chosen path of study and wider experience.
Graduate Studies Committee (GSC) oversees the management of the Graduate School, plans and oversees the provision of generic support and training for graduate students and for supervisors and assessors of masters and doctoral programmes. Meetings take place once per term in the daytime and are online. Two student representatives are appointed, one from a PGT and one from a PGR course.
Student Staff Committee (SSC) The SSC provides a forum where student representatives can raise issues with the Department across the full range of its provision. Meetings take place once per term, in early evening. Attendance is in person or online. All student representatives (of both course and departmental committees) are automatically members of the SSC.
Contact: Joaquin Jacinto Perea at
The following groups also have student representation.
Continuing Education Strategic Management Board (CESMB) The Board includes senior officers from across the University, representing all academic disciplines, and has strategic oversight of the Department. A Sabbatical Officer of the Student Union (normally a Vice President) acts as student representative.
Oxford University Student Union Two ‘Divisional Representatives’ for OUDCE students may be appointed to the Student Council of the Student Union (one from a matriculated course, and the other from a non-matriculated award-bearing course). Appointments are made by the Student Union (not the Department), and applications are normally invited during the summer.
For queries about CESMB or OUSU see Academic representation ( (or contact