Setting up IT access

A wealth of information about setting up access is provided.
The main points are covered below.
University card
You will be given your University card when you have registered for your course.
What your University card is for
- Identification as an Oxford University student
- Using libraries
- Logging into the computers in the Bodleian Libraries
- Connecting to the Bodleian Libraries Wi-Fi network, available in many library reading rooms (including the Rewley House Continuing Education Library)
- Paying for services
- Access to many University buildings
If your University card is lost or damaged
If your card is lost, stolen or damaged, immediately inform your Course Administrator (or your College Office if you are a matriculated student). You can purchase a replacement card online. See Lost, stolen or damaged cards for more details.
Misuse of University cards
University cards must be used in accordance with University Regulations; on no account may they be used to grant another person access to University facilities or services. Doing so may result in disciplinary proceedings.
Oxford Username and Single Sign-On (SSO)
At the start of your course you will have received an Oxford username, known as your 'Single Sign-on' or 'SSO' (this will usually begin 'cont' or 'oxce' followed by four digits, e.g. cont1234). Your SSO gives access to
- Your University email account
- Your library account and electronic library resources
- IT-related courses run by IT Services
- Facilities at IT Services, 13 Banbury Road, including computers and specialised printing and scanning services
- The IT Services shop, which sells site-licensed software, hardware and IT-related stationery and peripherals
University email account
When your University card is created, an email address is set up in the format (or for matriculated students). You can access it via the web or email clients installed on your computer.
You must check your University email account regularly as this will be our main means of communication with you. Blanket auto-forwarding, e.g. to an individual email address, is not permitted for security reasons.
Annual registration and enrolment
When to register
You must register via Student Self Service at the start of your course. See the University's Guide to registration web page. Students on courses lasting more than one year must re-enrol annually.
Maintaining your registration record
You must keep your registered contact details up-to date-through the Student Self Service.
If you wish to change your registered name, you must submit a request in writing to your Course Administrator, accompanied by documentary evidence (see the University's Name changes web page).
Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs)
The Department uses Moodle and Canvas as VLE platforms, and these are accessed through SSO (your course handbook will tell you which is used). Further information is on our Online facilities web page.
The Eduroam wireless network is available in Rewley and Ewert House, and in buildings around the University; see the IT Services website for details on how to set this up on your laptop or wireless device.
Anti-virus software
You can download Sophos Anti-Virus Software free of charge from the IT Services website.