Rothermere American Institute

Rothermere American Institute
Dr. Stubbs is currently (2017–2010) serving as Academic Programme Director for the Rothermere American Institute, Oxford. She helps organise the programme of events at the Institute, and is also involved in collaborations with The Oxford Research Centre for the Humanities (TORCH) and the Ashmolean Museum, among others. She helped put together the After-Hours Friday event, 'American Cool', at the Ashmolean on 25th May 2018 and participated in ongoing projects with the Ashmolean on their 'America's Cool Modernism' exhibition; additionally, for their related American Cool Arts Festival, for which she helped put together a programme of speakers and experts, and was an advisor on a related bookshop display at Blackwells. As part of her role at the RAI Tara organises the annual Esmond Harmsworth Lecture in American Arts and Letters.
Related publications and projects in the field of American literature include her forthcoming chapter, 'Lyrical Lexicons: Dictionaries and Definitions in Marianne Moore's Observations', in Poetry and the Dictionary, ed. Andrew Blades and Piers Pennington (2020); and she gave a conference paper, “At a remove”: Maps and Postcards in Elizabeth Bishop and Wallace Stevens', at a conference on 'The Cartographic Imagination: Art, Literature and Mapping in the United States, 1945–1980' in May 2018.
Related publications
'Lyrical Lexicons: Dictionaries and Definitions in Marianne Moore's Observations', in Poetry and the Dictionary, ed. Andrew Blades and Piers Pennington (forthcoming: Liverpool UP, 2020).