Policies, codes and guidance

Links to policies, regulations, codes of conduct and guidance. Students are expected to be aware of those relevant to their course.
University polices and guidance
Arrangements for all University students
Terms and Conditions: sets out the contractual basis of your relationship with the University and Department for Continuing Education.
- University regulations and policies: an A-Z list for guidance on and links to University regulations, codes of conduct and policies.
- University Statutes and Regulations: a formal record of the University’s Statutes and Regulations; includes a search tool for ease of use.
- University Student Handbook: general information and guidance to help you to make the most of the opportunities on offer at the University; it also provides a formal notification and explanation of the University’s codes, regulations, policies and procedures.
- University Examination Regulations: search tool to find the regulations for your course.
Departmental policies and guidance
Additional arrangements for Continuing Education students
Course handbook: specific to your course and refers to relevant policies and procedures, course regulations and conventions; available near the start of your course.
- Complaints and academic appeals
- Concurrent registration policy
- Conflict of interest policy
- Disciplinary regulations
- Educational recordings: supporting students with disabilities who are attending non-award-bearing courses
- Guidance for students seeking to bring children into the Department
- Hospitality and gifts policy and guidance
- Late submission policy
- Late submission of formative work
- Netiquette guidelines (online course environments)
- Non-payment of fees policy and procedure
Terms and Conditions (as 'University policies' above)
Unspent criminal convictions of applicants to undergraduate courses policy and procedure