Facilities and amenities

Oxford Libraries (the Bodleian Libraries)
You can use the 28 Bodleian Libraries around the city, including the main Bodleian Library, Sackler Library, Radcliffe Science Library and Faculty Libraries, and of course our own Rewley House Continuing Education Library. Many of these (including ours) will lend out books, but some, including the Old Bodleian Library, are “reference only” libraries.
Rewley House Continuing Education Library
The Rewley House Continuing Education Library has a lending collection of over 70,000 items on subjects taught in the Department. The Jessup Reading Room, adjoining the main Library, contains reference works and current periodicals, and usually has long opening hours. For students on award-bearing courses, a library induction session is arranged at the beginning of your course, and our librarians will be very pleased to help you at the main desk, or if you contact them:
Tel: 01865 270454
Email: library@conted.ox.ac.uk.
Electronic library resources
The University subscribes to a wide range of e-books, e-journals, databases and discipline-specific websites. You can access these from anywhere in the world through your Oxford Single Sign-On account (SSO). You will find out more about resources for your course from your course team and the Library staff.
Online catalogue (SOLO)
Bodleian and college collections can be searched using SOLO (Search Oxford Libraries Online), the University’s digital library catalogue. Through SOLO, you can access all Bodleian Libraries, whereas colleges’ libraries are restricted to their members.
Accessing Library PCs and Wi-Fi
To access the PCs in the Continuing Education and in other Bodleian Libraries, or to connect to their Wi-Fi, you will need to log on using your barcode number (on your University Card) and your Bodleian Libraries password.
Your Bodleian Libraries password
Your password is set by default to your date of birth in the format dd/mmm/yyyy (e.g. 11sep2000), and you should reset it as soon as possible. If you have problems with your password, please ask a librarian.
Virtual Learning Environments, Wi-Fi and computing facilities
Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs)
Award-bearing courses (and certain other types of course) have a VLE to support your study (for course information, resources, assignment submission portal, and so on.). These use one of our standard platforms, Canvas or Moodle, and are accessed through your Oxford Single Sign-On account (SSO). More information about your VLE is in your Course Handbook, and see also Online facilities.
Wi-Fi is generally available throughout our buildings—see Online facilities for access to information.
Computing facilities
Several Windows-based PCs are available for use in Rewley House (the Library—please ask for assistance at the Library desk, and you will need to be a University Card holder) and Ewert House (the Student Resource Room on the ground floor—please ask for assistance at Reception). You should also read the University’s Rules for Computer Use.
Accommodation and catering
Residential Centre, Wellington Square
Up to 70 guests can be accommodated in our study-bedrooms in Wellington Square, central Oxford. An accessible self-contained suite is on the ground floor, equipped for those with mobility impairments, and adjoined by a bedroom for a carer. Contact the Residential Centre to find out more.
Dining Rooms
The Rewley House Dining Room offers high-quality catering, with meals freshly prepared by our dedicated team of chefs. Catering is also available at our Ewert House teaching centre. You can find out more about catering arrangements (including for special dietary needs) from your course website or course team.
Rewley House Common Room and Bar
The Rewley House Common Room overlooks our quiet, shaded courtyard, and is open daily. The bar serves freshly made sandwiches and panini, soup, cakes, hot drinks, soft drinks, beer, and wine and spirits.
University sport, clubs and societies
University Sport
Oxford University Sport has a membership gym, swimming pool, athletics track and tennis courts within the Iffley Road grounds (renowned for the breaking of the four-minute mile by the late Sir Roger Bannister, who was latterly a Continuing Education student!). Matriculated students also have access to their own colleges’ sports facilities.
There are some particular considerations for sports clubs around (i) eligibility to represent one’s institution under British Universities and Colleges Sport regulations (usually dependent on the level of the course and the number of hours’ study), and (ii) representing the University as a ‘blue’ or ‘half-blue’, where particular rules may apply.
Clubs and societies
There are over 400 clubs and societies covering a wide variety of interests from aeronautics to the OU Wind Orchestra.
Students on non-matriculated award-bearing courses may, as permitted under the University’s regulations, apply to join a club or society, and are generally encouraged to do so and are welcomed. Membership for such students is not automatic, but discretionary, and applications should be made to the relevant club secretary.
Student Union
Any student registered on an undergraduate or postgraduate examined course at Oxford University will automatically become a member of the Student Union (SU). Also, they may seek SU appointments, including as OUDCE representatives on its Student Council. (NB the Student Union should not be confused with the Oxford Union debating society!)
The University Club
The University Club provides social and sports facilities for postgraduate students, staff and alumni, as well as catering and limited accommodation.
Student discount card
TOTUM gives access to high street and international discounts.