Curious Minds

What will you discover?
Keep your brain active with free online resources, as recommended by tutors and staff at the Department.
Our Curious Minds resources project has now come to an end but fear not! All of the free recommended resources can be found using the links below and we will continue to add to the Curious Minds Podcast Series.
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Curious Minds: Explore

Curious Minds: Explore
Explore museums, libraries, archives, articles and more all from your own home with these free, open access collections and resources.
Curious Minds: Enjoy

Curious Minds: Enjoy
Sit back, relax, and enjoy a wide range of performances, lectures, audio books, essays and more - all free and online.
Curious Minds: Have a go

Curious Minds: Have a go
Hands-on free learning resources and activities to keep your brain active.