Support for students with disabilities

Students on award-bearing courses
Award-bearing courses include undergraduate and postgraduate certificates and diplomas, and masters’ and doctoral degrees.
- You should register with the University's Disability Advisory Service (DAS)—ideally well before your course starts.
- The DAS can help to determine what support is appropriate, and with applications for disability support funding.
Our Departmental Disability Coordinator can help to implement your support plan (email:, tel: +44(0)1865 280355).
Students on non-award-bearing courses
Non-award-bearing courses are typically tagged on this website as ‘Lecture series’, ‘Online’, ‘Short courses’, ‘Short intensive’, ‘Summer schools’, ‘Weekend’, or ‘Weekly’, and often as ‘Professional’. These are courses that do not lead directly to an Oxford University qualification.
- You should inform us of your disability support needs when enrolling.
- You are welcome to discuss your needs with our Departmental Disability Coordinator (email:, tel:+44(0)1865 280355).
- We will consider how your needs might be accommodated, and will offer reasonable adjustments and provision where possible.
- You may be able to make recordings of teaching sessions for your own use.
- Please be aware that funding for disability support is extremely limited for students on non-award-bearing courses.
Accessible facilities and services
Teaching centres
Rewley House and Ewert House have hearing loops, access ramps and lifts. Special arrangements may be possible, such as providing course materials in large print or braille, or as coloured handouts. Some require a greater lead time (perhaps one to three months), so please tell us what you need in good time.
If you are staying at Rewley House please tell us on booking if you need a ground-floor bedroom or lift access.
One bedroom suite is adapted for people with mobility impairments, and this has an adjoining room for a carer.
Disabled parking
Wellington Square (for Rewley House) has two disabled parking bays (managed by Oxford City Council). Ewert House has several disabled parking spaces (managed by Ewert House Reception: email, tel +44 1865 280800.
Oxford colleges, departments, libraries etc
Please refer to the University Access Guide.
Useful links
Advice and guidance
University Disability Advisory Service: Provides information and advice on disability matters, and facilitates support.
Funding for disabilities support: Refers to the Disabled Students' Allowance (for UK undergraduate and postgraduate students) and to other sources of funding.
University Access Guide: Covers the University’s departments, colleges, libraries, museums, and sports and recreation facilities, and student services.
Assistive Technology Guides: Tools and strategies for academic productivity (this is a developing hub open to all at Oxford, and currently contains draft guidance documents).
Recording teaching sessions for your own use
You may be allowed to record teaching sessions yourself. Find out more:
- For students on award-bearing courses (degrees and other Oxford qualifications).
- For students on non-award-bearing courses (short and online courses, CPD training, Weekly Classes, Day and Weekend Schools etc).