International student visas

Oxford University's Department for Continuing Education welcomes international students on all its courses. However, it is the responsibility of successful applicants to ensure that they conform to UK immigration law.
If you are not a UK or Irish national, you will need a Student Visa to attend a full time course longer than six months. If you have indefinite leave to remain or pre-settled or settled status granted under the EU Settlement Scheme you will not require a Student visa. You must apply for a Student Visa in your home country before travelling to the UK and allow sufficient time for the visa to be processed. You cannot come as a visitor and switch status, so you must attend your visa appointment and obtain your Student visa before coming to the UK. If your visa application is delayed because of the pandemic, refer to the webpages above about COVID-19 for what to do next as we may be able to help you start your studies online if necessary.
If you are coming to Oxford for a shorter course (maximum six months), taking a distance learning course or undertaking a short period of study as a visiting student, you might need to apply for either a Visitor Visa or a Student Visa. Visit visa and immigration for more information.
Applicants or students should read the following for further information
International Students (Oxford University)
Student Visas (UK Government)
Additional assistance and advice is available from the Student Information and Advisory Service on
Guidance on the immigration options available to those wishing to undertake OUDCE part-time courses.
All courses (with the exception of the Certificate and Postgraduate Diploma in Diplomatic Studies and the Postgraduate Diploma in International Wildlife Conservation Practice)
Students should ensure that they have in their possession the required documentation each time they apply for a Short Term Student Visa or Permission to Enter, whichever is appropriate.
Class-Taught Courses
- ALL Undergraduate Certificates
- ALL Undergraduate Diplomas
- Undergraduate Advanced Diploma in British Archaeology
- Postgraduate Certificate in Architectural History
- Postgraduate Certificate in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
- Postgraduate Certificate in Cognitive Behavioural Studies
- Postgraduate Certificate in Enhanced Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
- Postgraduate Certificate in Psychodynamic Counselling
- Postgraduate Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
- Postgraduate Diploma in Psychodynamic Practice
- MSc in Applied Landscape Archaeology
- MSc in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
- MSc in English Local History
- MSt in Psychodynamic Practice
The duration of these courses, and their attendance requirements, make them unsuitable for students who enter the UK as a Short Term Student (both visa nationals and non visa nationals).
Distance Learning Courses with Required Summer School(s) and/or Residential Element(s)
- Undergraduate Certificate of Higher Education
- Undergraduate Diploma in Creative Writing: The Online Study Option
- Postgraduate Certificate in Ecological Survey Techniques
- Postgraduate Certificate in Historical Studies
- Postgraduate Certificate in Nanotechnology
- Postgraduate Diploma in Paediatric Infectious Diseases
- MSt in Creative Writing
- MSt in Historical Studies
- MSt in the History of Design
- MSt in International Human Rights Law
- MSt in Literature and Arts
- MSt in Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy
- MSc in Paediatric Infectious Diseases
- MSc in Sustainable Urban Development
These courses contain a required element of face-to-face teaching in the UK for which students must obtain a Short Term Student Visa (visa nationals) or Permission to Enter as a Short Term Student (non visa nationals) must be obtained.
Modular Courses
- Postgraduate Certificate / Diploma in Health Research
- Postgraduate Certificate in Healthcare Value
- Postgraduate Certificate in Patient Safety
- Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching Evidence-Based Health Care
- MSc in EBHC Medical Statistics
- MSc in EBHC Systematic Reviews
- MSc in Evidence-Based Health Care
- MSc in Experimental and Translational Therapeutics
- MSc in Nanotechnology for Medicine and Health Care
- MSc in Practical Ethics
- MSc in Surgical Science and Practice
Students must meet the requirements for a Short Term Student Visa (visa nationals) or Permission to Enter as a Short Term Student (non visa nationals) for each separate module taken.
The attention of prospective students for these courses is especially drawn to the points under ‘All courses’ above.
Weekly Classes / OUSSA / IP Summer Schools / Stand-Alone CPD Modules and Short Courses
Any one or more courses with a total duration of less than 6 months in any one year. The duration of these courses makes them suitable for students entering the UK on a Short Term Student Visa (visa nationals) or with Permission to Enter as a Short Term Student (non-visa nationals) provided the total annual stay in the UK is for no more than 6 months.
Doctor of Philosophy Programmes
- DPhil in Archaeology
- DPhil in Architectural History
- DPhil in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
- DPhil in English Local History
- DPhil in Evidence Based Health Care
- DPhil in Literature and Arts
- DPhil in Sustainable Urban Development
The duration of these courses makes them suitable for students entering the UK on a Short Term Student Visa (visa nationals) or with Permission to Enter as a Short Term Student (non visa nationals) provided the total annual stay in the UK is for no more that 6 months. Please note that acceptance on a part-time DPhil programme would not automatically qualify a student for a Tier 4 (General) student visa.
Most doctoral courses offered by the Department require students to meet face to face with their supervisor in the UK at least once a term.
Online Courses
- Undergraduate Advanced Diploma in IT Systems Analysis and Design
- Undergraduate Advanced Diploma in Local History
These courses do not require students to visit the UK.