Checkout process


{% items.length %} place{% (items.length>1?'s':'') %}

{% module.title %}

{% module.date_display %}
Sorry, the course is now full
Only {% module.num_places %} place{% (module.num_places>1 ? 's': '')%} left
Participant {% ($index+1) %}
{% module.tuition_fees[0].description %} ({% module.tuition_fees[0].amount | currency : '£' : fractionSize %})
You must have lived in the EU for the past three years to be eligible for the EU fee option; please see Classification of students for fees purposes for guidance

To obtain academic credit you must register for CATS points unless you are already enrolled on our Certificate of Higher Education, in which case you do not need to do this.

{% discount_amount = functions.get_discount_amount(item, code);"" %} (Discount -{% discount_amount | currency : '£' : fractionSize %})

No items

Total:{% functions.get_total() | currency : '£' : fractionSize %}

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